Portrait of Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UN Climate Change

"Climate neutral now is an initiative that contributes to putting the world on the path to climate neutrality, as enshrined in the Paris Agreement, by encouraging non-Party stakeholders to take climate action. I therefore call on them all, businesses, organizations, investors, citizens, to join the initiative. Not only does the successful implementation of our universal climate agreement depend on their determination to take action, but so does the reaching of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. It is easy to take climate action with Climate Neutral Now: join and make a difference for a better world!"

Patricia Espinosa
Executive Secretary
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Portrait of actor Edward Norton

"We all need to take personal responsibility to combat the threat of climate change. Join
me in the Climate Neutral Now initiative to reduce the impact of climate change and offset carbon emissions. Help protect the ecosystems that sustain biodiversity and save the livelihoods of billions of people around the world.

Edward Norton
Actor, filmmaker and activist
UN Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity

Portrait of Philippe Cousteau on the Great Barrier Reef

The reality of climate change is undeniable but each of us has the opportunity to take action and reduce our carbon footprint every day to help turn the tide and build a sustainable future."

Philippe Cousteau
EarthEcho International

Microsoft logo

“Microsoft is committed to making our operations carbon neutral: to achieve net zero emissions for our data centers, software development labs, offices, manufacturing plants, and employee business air travel in over 60 countries around the world. We reach our carbon neutral commitment by driving accountability through our internal carbon fee model that charges our business groups for their Greenhouse Gas emissions associated with their energy consumption. Beyond our own operations, we see a significant opportunity to accelerate the development of renewable energy and support carbon offsetting and sustainable community development, particularly in emerging nations. By investing in community projects, we are contributing to low-carbon sustainable economic development.”

Tamara “TJ” DiCaprio
Former Sr. Director, Environmental Sustainability
Microsoft Corporation

Sony logo

​"Sony has continued to take actions based on our “Road to Zero” environmental plan that aims for a zero environmental footprint by 2050, and curbing climate change is one of the four important perspectives* that we take into account when responding to environmental issues. In our latest set of environmental mid-term targets Green Management 2020, we continue to commit measuring our carbon footprint, reducing our emissions, and make proactive use of renewable energy where applicable. Achieving our new targets requires Sony’s spirit of innovation and challenge.

Sony dedicates the same innovative spirit found in our products, services and content to our efforts to achieve the targets listed in Green Management 2020 and continues our journey on the Road to Zero.

*The four perspectives are namely: curbing climate change, conserving resources, controlling chemical substances and promoting biodiversity."

Sony Corporation


“By supporting the Climate Neutral Now initiative, VITEC has joined other organizations around the world in taking action today to help everyone tomorrow. It will be a journey, but it is important to me, and to the global VITEC employees, to reduce our carbon footprint and work toward saving our planet.”

Philippe Wetzel, CEO and Founder of VITEC


"Since I started making music and putting on shows, all I ever wanted to do is spread the love and for people to come out and just have a great, positive time. Now making my concerts climate positive is a powerful way of taking this mission to the next level and raising awareness on an important issue. For this tour I'm proud to work with Chooose and the UNFCCC to calculate the carbon footprint of my touring activity - the flights of me and my crew and also the presence of those in attendance at my concerts - to not just offset but put in a positive effect. I'm happy to be spreading the love and positivity in an even bigger way!"



"At our flagship event World Resources Forum 2017 (WRF 2017) in Geneva, researchers, policymakers, business, and NGOs shared their knowledge and opinions about the economic, social and environmental implications of global resource use. Implementing resource efficiency solutions to combat poverty and climate change were stressed as the key challenges. Walking the talk for years the World Resources Forum 2017 was once again a climate neutral conference. We are very pleased to now join the Climate Neutral Now initiative and to promote climate action together in all our operations. For more information on WRF activities visit the website or contact info@wrforum.org."

World Resources Forum 2017

Indian Dance Festival Logo

"We at Indian Dance Festival association think that no one can do everything but everyone can do something. It is important to act now and act together towardsclimate neutral future. With our indian dance festival this year we wanted to raise awareness of climate change and do our best to make the festival climate neutral. We want to encourage people to stay positive and do everything they can for the environment. Dancing can be a way to express natures suffering caused by climate change but it can also be a way to spread joy of working together towards a greener world."

Indian Dance Festival Core Team


IUCN takes its commitments to addressing climate change and reaching the Sustainable Development Goals very seriously. Clearly the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016 could not have contributed to achieving this without being 100% climate neutral, which was possible in large part, thanks to the Climate Neutral Now initiative. With the IUCN Congress in Hawaii, we have set a high standard for sustainable events around the world. We have shown that global debate, which is critical for ensuring a sustainable future, can take place without placing additional pressures on the planet.”

Inger Andersen
IUCN Director General


"Moving for Climate Now is an initiative that has brought together a multidisciplinary team of professionals committed to combating climate change, who have completed an expedition on electric bicycles from Paris to the recent 2017 COP23 Climate Summit in Bonn (Germany) under the Fiji presidency. Organised by UN Global Compact Network Spain and Iberdrola, the second edition of this initiative, an official Summit event classified as an ‘endorsed initiative’ by COP23, gathered a multi-disciplinary cycling team of 40 people from different organisations and countries, with the purpose of raising awareness on the importance of facing the climate change challenges, uniting efforts in all areas and the implementation of ambitious and urgent measures to combat global warming. As stated in the Manifesto, the Moving for Climate NOW team is spreading the message: “Let’s all move, pulling all the levers as soon as possible”.

We have cycled to say this because the bicycle is an example of good technology, beneficial for people’s health and well-being and also for the climate. Moreover, by signing the pledge of Climate Neutral NOW and offsetting the event´s carbon footprint we want to lead by example and invite other organisations to demonstrate climate action leadership so that we can reach climate neutrality by mid-century."


Kai Zimmermann_E Car_Zenaga for CNN testimonial

"Even as a sustainability and climate protection actor, we can always do something better. The UN Climate Neutral Now initiative helps us in our dialogue with others. We can give a qualified report and receive an evaluation for the communication with third parties - thank you very much for the good cooperation."

Kai Zimmermann
Zenaga Foundation











