Supporting sustainable management and biodiversity conservation of mangrove in Gbaga channel in Benin

Focus area: Mitigation and Adaptation
Location: Grand-popo, Benin
Established: November, 2008

Mangroves play an important role in climate change mitigation and adaptation through contributing to carbon sequestration, flood management and coastal protection. This activity focuses on sustainable management and conservation of mangrove and is driven by ecosystems-approach, placing communities at the heart of conservation and adaptation efforts. The approach central tenant is that the poor are both an important resource while also being most affected by climate change.

The activity focuses both on rehabilitation and conservation activities in order to restore degraded mangroves and prevent further damage.

The activity places strong emphasis on participation and training, it promotes gender and indigenous knowledge and supports sustainable and environment-friendly income generating activities. The activity involves both communities and local councils to ensure that the adaptation concerns are also reflected in local government decisions.

The activity adaptation efforts include:
-350,000 mangrove seedlings planted to restore the environment.
-10,000 acacia seedlings planted and products used for wood energy.
-200 energy efficient houses built in ten villages to reduce the consumption of firewood and limit the cutting of mangrove.
-Introduction of solar energy technology in villages.
-Establishment of ecotourism facilities.

Mitigation / Adaptation

The activity contributes to both mitigation and adaptation through the conservation of mangroves, which play an important role in carbon sequestration, flood management and coastal protection.


The activity participatory approach has strengthened the role of women and vulnerable groups in their communities. The activity has contributed to poverty reduction by supporting income generating activities and providing training on the use of sustainable energy. Reforestation of riverbanks and support to agricultural activities have improved coastal protection and led to reduction in flood risks and crop losses.

Potential for scaling-up and replication

The activity has already beenreplicated in Ouidah, another municipality in Benin, as well as in Costa Rica. The success of the activity participatory approach has led to collaboration with the municipal council to develop participatory adaptation plans.

Images owned by the activity partners, all rights reserved.
