Webinar - Notification to Parties on the NDC and LT-LEDS Synthesis Reports in LAC



On 25 May 2022, an informative webinar was held to share details on the NDC Synthesis Report and LT-LEDS Synthesis Report that will be prepared in 2022 with Parties in Latin America and the Caribbean. This also opened an opportunity to hear perspectives on plans to submit updates to NDCs or LT-LEDS in advance of COP27. The webinar was organized by the UNFCCC secretariat through RCC Panama and RCC St. Georges, in collaboration with development partners.

In opening remarks, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa emphasized how critical this year is in terms of increasing ambition and enhancing support to achieve that ambition in line with the Paris Agreement. This set the tone for a presentation by UN Climate Change that featured an overview of the latest CMA decisions relevant to the preparation of NDCs and LT-LEDS.

The presentation highlighted two Notifications shared with Parties on 22 April 2022 pertaining to important dates and approaches for the NDC Synthesis Report and the LT-LEDS Synthesis Reports. These reports will be prepared by the secretariat by 21 October 2022 on the basis of the latest NDCs and LT-LEDS communicated by 23 September 2022. In addition, the current status of NDCs and LT-LEDS submissions in the region was shared with the audience.

During the webinar, development partners NDC Partnership, the 2050 Pathways Platform and UNEP shared more information on support in the region to develop or update NDCs and LT-LEDS, including pathways to access support.

At COP26, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) urged Parties that have not yet communicated new or updated NDCs to do so as soon as possible before COP27. (Decision 1/CMA.3, para. 28) The CMA requested Parties to revisit and strengthen 2030 targets in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to align with the Paris Agreement temperature goal by the end of 2022. (Decision 1/CMA.3, para. 29)

The CMA also urged Parties that have not communicated LT-LEDS towards just transitions to net zero emissions by or around mid-century to submit these strategies by COP27. The CMA invited Parties to update LT-LEDS regularly in line with the best available science and noted the importance of aligning NDCs with LT-LEDS. (Decision 1/CMA.3, paras. 32, 33 and 35)

On 22 April, the UNFCCC secretariat notified Parties and observer groups of important dates and approaches for the NDC Synthesis Report and LT-LEDS Synthesis Report. The secretariat is planning to publish the 2022 version of the NDC and LT-LEDS synthesis reports by 21 October 2022, updated on the basis of NDCs and LT-LEDS communicated by 23 September 2022
