Energy models

Energy System Modelling  researches the most cost-effective pathways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the energy system.

Name of the Organization
Energy Research Institute, China


Description of the Model

IPAC is an energy modelling system comprised of:

  1. general energy supply and demand models;

  2. an emissions model;

  3. a disagregated set of energy supply models that focus on technologies and regions of China (in particular Beijing);

  4. air and health impact models.

The model's main relevance to the suggested response measures is its detailed treatment of energy technologies. The model is mainly used for:

  1. forecasting GHGs emissions;

  2. assessing the impact of new technologies;

  3. analysing the impact of different energy and environmental policies;

  4. forecasting energy demand


Particular Relevance

The IPAC model is relevant in analysing the adoption of cleaner and more efficient uses of energy in China. The model has a particular focus on available technologies and how their use can be encouraged.





Model applications


Organization's main area of research

Energy issues regarding China

Other projects / research

Publications (


Name of the Organization


Description of the Model

The MARKAL family of energy models is a set of generic models whose scope depend on the data used (can be regional, national or international over a period of 40 to 50 years). The models include detailed cost and technology information making them suitable for analysis of different policy and technological options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The models are mainly used for:

  1. identifying least-cost energy systems;

  2. exploring cost-effective responses to emission control policies;

  3. evaluating new technologies for R&D purposes;

  4. forecasting inventories of greenhouse gas emissions;

  5. estimating the value of regional cooperation in energy policy.


Particular Relevance

MARKAL is highly relevant to investigating the development of new environmentally-friendly technologies in a given region and looking at the conditions for the adoption of these technologies. The model can also be used to analyze energy-efficiency issues


38 countries and regions, including the EU27, USA, China and Japan


Model applications

Costs and uncertainties of long-term reduction in UK carbon emissions - MARKAL is used to run an extensive range of UK 60% CO2 abatement scenarios and sensitivity analysis runs for analytical insights to underpin the 2007 Energy White Paper.

MARKAL Application for China - Analysis of China's energy consumption using the MARKAL model including future patterns of consumption.

Biomass for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction - Task 8: Optimal emission reduction strategies for Western Europe - The paper explores the optimal use of biomass in Western Europe for greenhouse gas emission mitigation using the MARKAL model.

Technology Learning and the Role of  Renewable Energy in Reducing Carbon Emissions - This study provides an analysis of the effects of technology and learning in the development of new energy technologies using MARKAL.

Organization's main area of research

Multi-country energy/economy/environment/engineering (4E).

Other projects / research

Publications (

Name of the Organization
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)


Description of the Model

MESSAGE is an optimization model used for medium- to long-term energy system planning, energy policy analysis, and scenario development.

The model provides a framework for representing an energy system with all its inter-dependencies from resource extraction, imports and exports, conversion, transport and distribution, to the provision of energy end-use services such as light, space conditioning, industrial production processes, and transportation. The model also covers all six Kyoto GHGs, their drivers and mitigation technologies.


Particular Relevance

MESSAGE is relevant in analyzing the development of 'greener' technologies, as well as looking at the diffusion of technology across countries. The model can also be used to analyze the trade flows of different energy products



World, split in 11 regions


Model applications

IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios was prepared  for the Third Assessment Report (TAR) in 2001, on future emission scenarios to be used for driving global circulation models to develop climate change scenarios. Six models from around the world were used to develop the new scenarios, including the MESSAGE model.  (

Organization's main area of research

Inter-disciplinary scientific studies on environmental, economic, technological, and social issues in the context of human dimensions of global change.

Other projects / research

Publications (

Name of the Organization
Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy


Description of the Model

The National Energy Modelling System (NEMS) is a computer-based, energy-economy modelling system of U.S. energy markets. NEMS forecasts the production, imports, conversion, consumption, and prices of energy.

The inputs to the model include assumptions on macroeconomic and financial factors, world energy markets, resource availability and costs, behavioural and technological choice criteria, cost and performance characteristics of energy technologies, and demographics. The model can then be used to look at a range of response measures but is particularly well-suited to assessing technological solutions.


Particular Relevance

NEMS is relevant to assessment of the response measures through its treatment of the adoption of new energy technologies.





Model applications

Annual Energy Outlook - The EIA's 2009 report was updated to reflect the provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) that were enacted in mid-February 2009. The report is based on NEMS model output based on the its interpretation of the set of policies in the ARRA (

Organization's main area of research

Forecasts and analyses to promote  policy making, efficient markets, and public understanding regarding energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.

Other projects / research

Forecasts and analyses (

Name of the Organization
National Institute of Economics and Industry Research

Description of the Model

NIEIR Multipurpose model is an energy modelling system comprised of:

  1. macroeconomic and industry activity models for the whole country and Australia's states;

  2. an energy forecasting model (EFM);

  3. an energy technology model (ETM);

  4. an energy environmental impact model (ENVI);

  5. an energy production and pricing model.

The model is mainly used for:

  1. analyzing impact of removal of cross-subsidies in electricity prices;

  2. forecasting of electricity demand and load growth;

  3. projecting of greenhouse gas emissions;

  4. evaluating alternative power station options;

  5. assessing the impact of increased penetration of energy-efficient technologies and renewable energies on energy demand and supply and greenhouse gas emissions.


Particular Relevance

The NIEIR model is relevant in analyzing the development and diffusion of carbon-neutral technologies in Australian electricity generation. The model can also be used in assessing the impacts of changes in subsidies and energy-efficiency rates.





Model applications


Organization's main area of research

Private economic research, consulting and training.

Other projects / research

Reports (

Name of the Organization


Description of the Model

The POLES model is a partial equilibrium model for the world energy system up to 2030. Market equilibrium is simulated by matching energy supply and demand which reply to changes in the international prices with a certain time lag.

It is therefore ideally suited to assessing the impacts of different pricing regimes, for example through taxation, but also of the development and diffusion of technology. The model is designed by connecting international, regional and national sub-models.

The model is mainly used for:

  1. running world energy scenarios (energy demand, supply, trade, prices) by world region;

  2. inter-technology substitution over time;

  3. simulation of CO2 emission constraints and emissions trading;

  4. analyzing the impact of technological change on emissions.


Particular Relevance

The POLES model is useful for analyzing the adoption and diffusion of new technologies, including low-carbon options, as well as looking at inter-technology substitution across time.





Model applications

Research using POLES (

World Energy Technology Outlook 2050 - This project aims at drawing long-term energy scenarios for the European Union in a world context. It takes into account expected economic and technological development. All the projections to 2050 have been made using POLES (

GRP - Greenhouse gas emission Reduction Pathways in the UNFCCC process to 2025. The report uses results from the POLES model to look at different technological solutions to reducing emission levels   (

Organization's main area of research

Energy systems analysis and economics, macroeconomics and environmental economics.

Other projects / research


Name of the Organization
ICCS, National Technical University of Athens


Description of the Model

PRIMES is a simulation model of the energy markets in the European Union. It simulates market equilibrium for energy supply and demand in the Member States by finding the equilibrium prices for each energy source. The model has been used for analysis of taxation policy and emissions trading, and also includes a detailed representation of energy technologies.

The model is mainly used for:

  1. analysis of standard energy policy issues: security of supply, strategy, costs etc;

  2. analysis of environmental issues;

  3. looking at the impact of technology standards, new technologies and renewable resources;

  4. loking at energy efficiency, alternative fuels, trade and EU energy provision;

  5. analysis of policy issues regarding electricity generation, gas distribution and refineries.



Particular Relevance

PRIMES is relevant in analyzing the impacts of climate change mitigation policies including taxation and emission trading. The detailed structure of the model also makes it suitable for assessing methods of technology development and diffusion.





Model applications

The economic effects of industry-Level emission trading to reduce greenhouse gasses-PRIMES model V.2 - The purpose of the study is to provide analytical information for a variety of alternative emission trading participation schemes, within the Member States and at the Community level. The analysis was carried out with the use of the energy system model PRIMES (

Organization's main area of research

Energy systems analysis and economics, macroeconomics and environmental economics.

Other projects / research

Publications (  - go to downloads section)

Name of the Organization


Description of the Model

SAFIRE (Strategic Assessment Framework for the Implementation of Rational Energy) is an engineering-economic bottom-up supply and demand model for the assessment of the main impacts of (renewable and new non-renewable) energy technologies on a national, regional or local level.

SAFIRE can be applied to assess the impact of energy technology and associated policies on a number of economic indicators, such as market penetration, pollutant emissions, capital expenditure, external costs, net employment creation.


Particular Relevance

The SAFIRE model cab used for assessing means of increasing the uptake of 'greener' technologies, as well as some of the economic impacts of their use.



34 European countries, 8 other countries worldwide, municipalities and counties in 12 European countries


Model applications

SAFIRE projects (

Bioenergy’s role in the EU energy market - In this report SAFIRE was used by provide information on bioenergy’s contribution to the EU energy market by 2010 and 2020, taking into consideration the various EU policy instruments, as well as bioenergy’s contribution to achieving the EU’s Kyoto commitments (pdf-icon

Organization's main area of research

Identifying and implementing solutions that help businesses address their climate change risks and opportunities.

Other projects / research


Name of the Organization


Description of the Model

VLEEM has been designed under a EU research project to support R&D policy decisions in the field of energy, in relation with sustainability objectives in the very long term, making it a suitable tool for analysis of the response measures.


Particular Relevance

VLEEM can be used for very-long-term analysis of possible technological solutions to climate change, with the main policy inputs being changes to energy-focused R&D.



World, split into ten regions


Model applications

VLEEM 2 Final Report - Contains a detailed description of the model, including results for energy demand and supply scenarios based in different research and investment patterns (

Organization's main area of research

Energy consulting

Other projects / research


Name of the Organization
International Energy Agency


Description of the Model

WEM is a large-scale mathematical model designed to replicate how energy markets function. The model is made up of six main modules: final energy demand; power generation; refinery and other transformation; fossil-fuel supply; CO2 emissions and investment. Its main relevance to the response measures is its use for assessing policy changes and, in particular, changes in technology patterns.

The model is mainly used for:

  1. analyzing global energy prospects;

  2. estimating the environmental impact of energy use;

  3. analyzing the effects of policy actions and technological changes;

  4. estimating investment in the energy sector.



Particular Relevance

The WEM is relevant in analyzing the development and diffusion of less carbon-intensive technologies, given activities in energy markets.



World, split in 21 regions

