LEG work programme for 2014-2015

The SBI at its thirty-third session (COP 16) requested the LEG to develop a two-year rolling programme of work for consideration by the SBI at its first sessional meeting of each year, and to report on its work to the SBI at each of its session. The table below presents the detailed activities of the work programme of the LEG for 2014-2015.

The pdf version of the detailed LEG work programme is available here



 Expected Result


 Product/Output/ Activity Type


Objective 1: Provide technical guidance and support to the national adaptation (NAP) process in LDCs

The LDCs are effectively supported in the launching of, and in making progress under, their NAP process


Develop and disseminate a quick guide to the guidelines for NAPs, including a glossary of commonly used terms and answers to frequently asked questions on NAPs, in English, French and Portuguese


Publication by June 2014



Develop materials for use by countries at national levels on awareness and training activities in the NAP process

Technical materials

August 2014



Organize NAP Expo in 2014


August 2014



Develop a learning guide and e-learning resources for NAPs for use in the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) training on NAPs

Training guide

August 2014



Respond to individual requests from Parties for support on the NAP process, including through the provision of comments and feedback on draft NAPs, and the sharing of experience and lessons learned

Technical support

Upon request



Continue to compile and analyse support needs for the NAP process, on an ongoing basis, including through questionnaires to Parties during the subsidiary body sessions and other relevant events

Information in LEG reports



Collaboration with a wide range of organizations leads to coordinated and effective support to the LDCs on NAPs

Collaborate with a wide range of organizations through various modalities, such as technical meetings, and sharing of relevant information and materials on the NAP process





Prepare and disseminate an information paper on how the NAP process can be supported in the LDCs

 Information paper

April 2014



Conduct regional training workshops on NAPs for the LDCs

Training workshops


Objective 2:
Provide support to the LDCs on the preparation, revision/update and implementation of NAPAs

The LDCs are effectively supported in the implementation of NAPAs

Continue to invite the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and its agencies, relevant organizations and experts to the LEG meetings and events to explore the issues faced by some LDCs in implementing NAPAs, and to provide information to the SBI on ways and means to address these issues, with a view to enhancing the implementation of NAPAs

Information in LEG reports



The LDCs are assisted in the preparation, revision and update of their NAPAs

Respond to individual requests for support in the preparation, revision and update of NAPAs, including through the provision of comments and feedback on draft NAPAs and draft revised and updated NAPAs, and the sharing of experiences and lessons learned

Technical support

Upon request

Objecitve 3:
Support knowledge management and outreach in supporting adaptation planning, prioritization and implementation in the LDCs

The LDCs are effectively supported through enhanced access to the best available information useful for their adaptation efforts

Continue to further develop NAP Central to serve as a universally accessible web-based central repository and hub for information pertinent to the NAP process

Full prototype

June 2014



Revise methodologies for capturing and sharing best practices and lessons learned in the LDCs


June 2014



Prepare and disseminate the third volume of the publication on best practices and lessons learned in addressing adaptation in the LDCs in English, French and Portuguese


October 2014



Communicate complementary key information to the LDCs, through regular notes, in response to key concerns (such as on accessing funding under the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)), in cooperation with the GEF and its agencies 

Information notes


Objective 4: Provide guidance and advice on the integration of adaptation into development planning and on strengthening gender-related considerations and considerations regarding vulnerable communities in adaptation planning and implementation in the LDCs

The LDCs are effectively assisted in their efforts to integrate gender-related considerations and considerations regarding vulnerable communities in adaptation

Complete and disseminate an information paper on strengthening gender considerations in adaptation planning and implementation in the LDCs


 April 2014



Develop and disseminate an information paper on strengthening considerations regarding vulnerable communities in adaptation planning and implementation in the LDCs


November 2014

Objective 5:
Promote the quality and achievement of results through support for the monitoring and evaluation of progress, effectiveness and gaps in the context of NAPAs, NAPs and the LDC work programme in the LDCs

Support for monitoring the impact and effectiveness of efforts to address vulnerability is provided

Develop a technical paper describing the tool for monitoring and evaluation of progress, effectiveness and gaps (the PEG M&E Tool)

Technical paper

June 2014



Compile and analyse information to monitor progress and effectiveness, and identify gaps in the implementation of NAPAs, the LDC work programme and NAPs

Compilation, monitoring and analysis




Convene a meeting involving representatives of Parties, the GEF and its agencies, and other relevant organizations with the assistance of the secretariat in order to take stock of the work of the LEG before June 2015


By June 2015

Objective 6:
Support the implementation of the LDC work programme

Implementation of the LDC work programme is effectively facilitated

Develop and disseminate an information paper on examples of the application of adaptation technologies in adaptation planning and implementation, in collaboration with the Technology Executive Committee

Information paper

November 2014



Continue to elaborate with the GEF and its agencies and other organizations on ways to support the LDCS in implementing the LDC work programme, including through ways proposed in the report on 21st meeting of the LEG 

Technical support


Objective 7: Promote synergy of adaptation related efforts under the Convention

Coherence in support to the LDCs is promoted under the Convention, regionally and with other multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs)

Complete and disseminate a technical paper on regional synergy in addressing adaptation in the LDCs

Technical paper

June 2014



Complete and disseminate a technical paper on synergy among MEAs in addressing adaptation in the LDCs

 Technical paper

October 2014



Continue collaboration with the Adaptation Committee, including on revision of methodologies for capturing and sharing best practices and lessons learned, and further development of NAP Central, NAP Expo, training on NAPs, and the Adaptation Committee task force on NAPs





Participate in the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts as mandated by decision 2/CP.19





Continue collaboration with other bodies under the Convention, including the Technology Executive Committee, the Standing Committee on Finance, the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention




Work programme of the LEG 2013-2014
The work programme of the LEG for 2013 and 2014 is contained in document FCCC/SBI/2013/8. The detailed version is available here.

Work programme of the LEG 2012-2013

The work programme of the LEG for 2012 and 2013 is contained in document FCCC/SBI/2012/7. The detailed version is available here

Work programme of the LEG 2011-2012

The work programme of the LEG for 2011 and 2012 is contained in document FCCC/SBI/2011/4. The detailed version is available here

Work programme of the LEG under its previous mandate (2008-2010)

The completed work programme of the LEG for 2008-2010 is contained in document FCCC/SBI/2008/6. The key priority activities of this completed work programme is available here
