Regional group events
Pre-validation Workshop on Regional Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy for LDCs in Asia
11 Feb. 2021
13:00h - 17:00h
Virtual event
Climate Finance
Regional group events
Pre-validation Workshop on Regional Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy for LDCs in Asia
11 Feb. 2021
13:00h - 17:00h
Virtual event
Climate Finance



Provisional Programme


Time Session Speakers/Facilitators

13:00 – 13:30





Session 1: Opening remarks and introduction

  • Welcoming the participants
  • Introduction of the pre-validation workshop outlining its focus.
  • Participant introductions and workshop expectations.
  • An overview of key outcomes of the inception workshop.




Karma Tshering
Head, Policy and Programming Services
National Environment Commission Secretariat
Government of Bhutan

Debapriya Roy
Programme Officer
UNFCCC secretariat

Tour de table

13:30 – 14:30

Session 2: Country feedback on the technical assessment

  • Overview of responses on the technical assessment.
  • Guiding questions for further feedback on the technical assessment.
  1. Does the technical assessment reflect the regional/national context sufficiently, is there anything missing, incorrect or that needs adjustment?
  2. Does the technical assessment reflect the main climate finance/technological and capacity building priority needs (regional/national)? If not, which priorities are missing?
  3. Are the climate finance flows correctly reflected or are there major or significant  differences to your national data? Please provide relevant information/data.
  4. Do the challenges and barriers discussed in the technical assessment cover the main challenges you have been facing in mobilizing and accessing climate finance, are there further issues you encounter?
  • Each country will have the opportunity to provide suggestions based on their review of the draft technical assessment

Sumalee Khosla
UNFCCC secretariat






14:30 – 15:30

Session 3: Discussion of specific areas for regional collaboration

  1. How should climate finance be framed for the regional strategy?
  2. In what way can a regional climate finance strategy address the barriers discussed in session 3?
  3. Specifically for private sector finance, how can the regional climate finance strategy:
  • Promote a cross-sector approach to transformational, low carbon resilient initiatives ?
  • Promote climate innovation and blended finance approaches ?

4. How should a pipeline of priority climate projects/investments/transactions/ facilities/initiatives be developed and how it could further be promoted at a regional level?

  • Countries will be given 30 mins to discuss these questions in break-out groups.
  • Countries will be given 20 minutes to present outcomes of the discussion in a report-back Plenary

Q&A 10 minutes

Sumalee Khosla

Debapriya Roy


Break-out groups
15:30 – 15:45 Comfort break    

15:45 – 16:45

Session 4: Country input for strategy development

Guiding questions:

  1. Given the determined barriers to accessing climate finance, what areas of capacity building should be of focus with the climate finance strategy?
  2. Which strategic elements (financial instruments, institutional arrangements, policies, best practices, etc.) would you recommend being included in the strategy chapter?
  3. What do you envision is needed for the coordination and implementation of a regional climate finance strategy? 
  4. Which regional actors should be included in the strategy?
  5. Are there specific consideration for the implementation modalities?
  6. Do you have any further feedback to the technical assessment or process for the design and development of the climate finance strategy for the region?
  • Countries will be given 30 mins to discuss these questions in break-out groups.
  • Countries will be given 20 minutes to present outcomes of the discussion in a report-back Plenary

Q & A  10 minutes

Sumalee Khosla

Debapriya Roy



Break-out groups






16:45– 17:00

Session 4: Next steps and closing remarks

Summary of discussions, proposed way forward and closing.


Debapriya Roy

Karma Tshering
Head, Policy and Programming Services, NECS