Constituted Body meetings and events
Thirteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC13)
27 Feb. - 02 Mar. 2018
Bonn, Germany
AHH - EG F-U-230, United Nations Campus
United Nations Campus
Constituted Body meetings and events
Thirteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC13)
27 Feb. - 02 Mar. 2018
Bonn, Germany
AHH - EG F-U-230, United Nations Campus
United Nations Campus

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the thirteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC13) by agenda item.

1. Opening and welcome
2. Adoption of the agenda


AC/2018/1 - Provisional agenda and annotations

Summary outcomes

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Election of the Co-Chairs

Summary outcomes

Pilar Bueno (Argentina) was elected and Don Lemmen (Canada) was re-elected as Co-Chairs of the AC.

4. Organization of work

Summary outcomes

The organization of work was agreed as suggested

5. Overarching coherence
5. (a) Mapping of adaptation relevant mandates


AC/2018/2 - Relevant adaptation-related outcomes from the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties and the 47th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, Bonn, Germany, November 2017


Mapping of adaptation relevant mandates

Summary outcomes

The AC took note of the overview of new and relevant developments on adaptation under the Convention, including information requiring action from the AC, and developments that the AC will monitor.

It agreed to include the relevant mandated action items into its workplan.

5. (b) Recent collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention

Summary outcomes

The AC took note of oral reports from members and the CTCN secretariat on collaboration with the GCF, PCCB, CTCN, the TEC and the WIM ExCom’s task force on displacement.

It agreed to improve the process for preparing members who represent the AC at other meetings by seeking guidance and feedback from the Co-Chairs and members on messages and inputs to be delivered.

6. Work of the Adaptation Committee’s working group on the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A)


AC/2018/3 - Concept note on the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation


Work of the AC’s working group on the Technical Examination Process for Adaptation

Summary outcomes

The AC agreed on the approach to the 2018 TEMs and request the lead organizations and the secretariat to start organizing the 2018 TEMs. The lead organizations agreed to produce a joint concept note for discussion with the TEP-A extended working group by 23 March (3 weeks after AC 13).

The AC initiated considerations on how sessions would arrive at the identification of specific policy options that are actionable in the short term and ways to upscale and enhance the impact of the TEP.
It welcomed the offer by UNEP-GAN to organize a regional TEM-A and agreed to continue exploring options for regional TEM-As by the CTCN and others.

It also considered a range of possible topics for the TEP-A in 2020 and requested its TEP-A working group to continue the discussion and to report back to AC 14 on progress made.

7. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation action

7. (a) Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans 

            Reporting back from the Expert meeting to assess progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs
            (Renske Peters and Cecilia Silva, AC members)

Summary outcomes

The AC took note of oral reports presented by members on the recently held expert meeting to assess progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs, the development of NAP Central, and the work of the NAP Expo advisory group. AC members of the NAP TF agreed to provide input to the NAP Expo advisory group on the organization of the NAP-Expo 2018.

All other elements contained on the taskforce’s workplan were considered under their specific agenda items.

The AC agreed to hold off elaboration of a new workplan for the taskforce until elements of the AC’s overall workplan are clear. It will then consider which tasks can be led by the NAP taskforce.

7. (b) Technical paper on long-term adaptation planning


AC/2018/4 - Technical paper on long-term adaptation planning


Presentation document AC/2018/4

Summary outcomes

The AC welcomed the revised technical paper and provided further guidance to the secretariat for a revised version to be considered and finalized at AC 14.

It agreed that the recommendations contained in the document should also be revised accordingly for consideration at AC 14 and to also draw on information contained in the paper on various approaches to adaptation planning.

Members and observers are invited to send further input to the secretariat by Friday, 9 March 2018.

7. (c) Overview of existing partnerships providing technical support on adaptation

Summary outcomes

The AC welcomed an oral update by the NWP secretariat on the status of making the overview available as a user-friendly database on the NWP’s Adaptation Knowledge Portal, and a joint communication strategy being developed with the CTCN secretariat to widely promote the product.

The AC took note of a report by the CTCN secretariat on possibilities for further collaboration in the area of technical support to the Parties and welcomed the collaboration between the AC, the NWP and the CTCN.

7. (d) Inventory of ongoing work on monitoring and evaluation of adaptation

Summary outcomes

The AC took note of an oral report by a Co-Chair on this matter and agreed to postpone any next steps until after the forthcoming meeting to exchange views on national adaptation goals and indicators.

7. (e) Meeting to exchange views on national adaptation goals/indicators and how they relate to indicators/goals for sustainable development and for disaster risk reduction in the context of the Sendai Framework


AC/2018/5 - Concept note on a meeting to exchange views on national adaptation goals/indicators and how they relate to indicators/goals for sustainable development and for disaster risk reduction in the context of the Sendai Framework


Presentation of document AC/2018/5

Summary outcomes

The AC considered the concept note prepared for the meeting and provided further guidance and direction to the working group and the secretariat for the organization of the meeting.

The AC expressed its appreciation to the government of Japan and to the ISDR for their offers to collaborate with the AC on the meeting.

The Co-Chairs will invite members of the working group on this matter to join a telephone conference in the beginning of April.

7. (f) Report on various approaches to adaptation


AC/2018/6 - Draft report on various approaches to adaptation, such as community-based adaptation and ecosystem-based adaptation, taking into account livelihoods and economic diversification


Report on various approaches to adaptation

Summary outcomes

The AC welcomed the draft report and provided guidance to the secretariat for the further development of the report.

Members and observers are invited to send further input to the secretariat by Friday, 9 March 2018. The secretariat will produce a revised version after the May sessions that will also reflect relevant outcomes of the TEM-A and indicate next steps. The draft will be shared with other bodies under the Convention for comments and input.

AC 14 will consider the revised draft and include identified activities derived from it into its next workplan, as appropriate.

The information contained in the document will feed into the revised recommendations contained in the technical paper on long-term adaptation planning.

AC 14 will also decide if this should be turned into a user-friendly version for broad dissemination.

8. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on means of implementation

8. (a) Workshop to advance the understanding and overcome challenges relating to:

         (i) The establishment of national entities for direct access

         (ii) Accessing the readiness programme for adaptation of the Green Climate Fund

                Presentation on this agenda item

Summary outcomes

The AC took note of a presentation on the current state of planning for the workshop and provided further guidance to the working group. The working group will finalize the concept by 9 March 2018.

The secretariat will also revise the information paper prepared as input to the meeting, as appropriate.

8. (b) Workshop to advance the engagement of the private sector in adaptation


AC/2018/7 - Concept note on a workshop to advance the engagement of the private sector in adaptation


Presentation on this agenda item

Summary outcomes

The AC considered a concept note prepared for the workshop and welcomed interventions from organizations interested in collaborating on this workshop, in particular the Business for Social Responsibility and the Overseas Development Institute.

It provided further guidance to its working group to further revise the concept note and requested the secretariat to scope out potential locations and dates for the workshop by mid-April. The anticipated time to organize the workshop is October 2018.

9. Flexible workplan of the Adaptation Committee for 2019-2021


AC/2018/8 - Initiating considerations on the flexible workplan of the Adaptation Committee for 2019-2021


Presentation on this agenda item

Summary outcomes

The AC considered the information contained in the background note prepared for this item and initiated its discussion on possible focus areas, strategic objectives, target audiences and examples of activities for its future workplan.

It established a working group on this matter, who will work with the Co-Chairs and the secretariat to elaborate a schedule for developing the workplan to be shared with the AC and to be followed by a first draft of the workplan.

The AC will keep observers updated during the development of the workplan.

10. Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information: Adaptation Forum


AC/2018/9 - Concept note on the Adaptation Committee’s 2018 Adaptation Forum


Presentation on this agenda item

Summary outcomes

The AC considered the status of planning for the 2018 Adaptation Forum.

It provided further guidance to its working group and the secretariat on the suggested guiding questions, objective, format and contributors.

11. Organization of intersessional work

Summary outcomes

The AC took note of members interested in participating in the meetings organized by the AC in 2018.

It further agreed on leads and members of its working groups and on members nominated in response to invitations for collaboration from other constituted bodies.

The leads of groups are requested to hold a call with members of their respective groups in mid-March to elaborate their schedules of work.

12. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcomes

The AC agreed to hold its 14th meeting from 24 to 26 October 2018.

13. Any other matters

Summary outcomes

The AC initiated consideration on possible input to the Talanoa Dialogue.

14. Closure of the meeting.