InsuResilience Global Partnership
Profile summary 

The InsuResilience Global Partnership aims to enable more timely and reliable post-disaster response and to better prepare for climate and disaster risk through the use of climate and disaster risk finance and insurance solutions, increasing local adaptive capacity and strengthening local resilience. The Partnership, through InsuResilience Program Alliance, offers a collaborative delivery vehicle, i.e. an alliance of operational entities and programs facilitating efficient and coordinated action and providing finance, in the areas of: research, data, modelling innovation & learning, technical assistance to developing countries, solution design, concessional insurance and monitoring, reporting and evaluation. InsuResilience engages with a range of actors including international development partners, civil society and private sector entities.

Learn more:

Work relevant to the provision of technical assistance
  • Financial instruments (such as insurance, risk pooling etc)


  • Trust funds


  • Analyses of data and information








InsuResilience coordinates with local stakeholders to identify gaps, develop actions and attempt to harness donor agencies to support actions.

What is more:

  • It has 22 programs in 122 countries and 200 projects, including in the LAC region working alongside regional organizations such as the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, and is developing a risk pool with the African Risk Capacity and the World Food Programme.
  • It is jointly implementing an activity under a public-private partnership between BMZ, UNDP and IDF called the Tripartite Agreement, to leverage financing, expertise and risk capital solutions for 20 countries by 2025. It will commence support to these countries through sustainable inclusive development markets.
  • InsuResilience is ready to provide support in the search for solutions including developing comprehensive disaster management strategies and potential funding sources under the Partnership e.g., credit-based instruments, trust funds and insurance.
  • It is positioned to provide support for undertaking country-level risk analysis to understand and bridge the gaps in data for designing comprehensive and holistic risk strategies.

The content of this page derives from the information communicated in response to the initial responses to the country survey on needs for technical assistance through the Santiago Network as at 18 June 2021
