LAC workshop on NAPs
04 - 07 Sep. 2017
San José, Costa Rica
Costa Rica
San José
LAC workshop on NAPs
04 - 07 Sep. 2017
San José, Costa Rica
Costa Rica
San José

The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) is conducting regional training workshops on national adaptation plans (NAPs) as part of its work programme for 2016–2017. The training workshops are designed to support countries to advance in the formulation and implementation of NAPs. The workshops are designed and tailored for each region through the support  of the NAP technical working group.

Objectives of the workshop

  1. To support the countries in designing assessments of climate risk and vulnerability leading to the identification of  adaptation priorities (Element B, Preparatory elements of the NAP guidelines);
  2. To provide technical guidance and support to the countries on the design of implementation of NAPs taking into account modalities for accessing financing under GCF, as well as other climate change funding channels (Element C of the NAP guidelines);
  3. To enhance the capacity of the countries in accessing the GCF funding for the formulation of  NAPs;
  4. To provide a platform for countries to share experiences and lessons learned and to promote best practices when formulating and implementing NAPs;
  5. To promote South-South and regional collaboration on NAPs.


Session 1 – Opening 1. Official opening by the Government of Costa Rica
2. Keynote: Climate change adaptation and sustainable development in Costa Rica

Session 2 – Introduction to the workshop and framing


3. Introduction to the workshop and participants
4. Introduction to NAP Central: event page, resources, online questionnaire
5. Overview of NAPs: process, the NAP, 2 objectives, guidelines, the NAP-SDG - iFrame, upcoming SBI assessment of  progress

Exercise: Expectations, meaning of the NAP, the NAP process, other adaptation planning processes

Session 3 – Framing the NAP








6a. Open NAPs


(a) Strategic vision and objectives for the NAP

(b) Framing the NAP considering the SDGs, Sendai and other development strategies and frameworks
(c) Key  issues, risks and vulnerabilities, national systems for assessments
(d) Roadmap towards formulation of a NAP and access to the GCF Readiness NAP funding


6b. Plenary discussion on the Open NAPs on emerging best practices

Session 4 – Monitoring and evaluation of the process

7. Rationale for a process approach: introducing the essential functions for the process to formulate and implement NAPs
8. Monitoring the process using the PEG M&E Tool
Exercise: Selecting core metrics for measuring progress towards a high-quality NAP process (work from a long list of metrics and select a few to cover process, input and outputs; outcome and impact metrics to be considered later when looking at M&E of the adaptation goals and objectives)

Session 5 – Designing the process and aligning with support for NAPs under the GCF















Session 5 continued – Hands-on clinic on the GCF

9. Defining a country-specific NAP process: rapid stocktaking using a sample NAP process to identify building blocks, workstreams and a road map, building on current adaptation efforts
10. GCF guidelines (template) for accessing readiness support for the formulation of NAPs: result areas and elements of a log-frame
A. Exercise for country participants: Aligning the NAP building blocks and workstreams with the GCF result areas in developing a funding proposal to the GCF/Readiness for NAP formulation (by region). (Note: discussing of funding for the implementation of the NAPs will take place later).
B. Exercise for agencies/resource persons: Considering the two objectives of the NAP process, discuss methodologies and core metrics for measuring progress towards achieving these objectives (along the five types of metrics: process, inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts). This will be the basis for discussion of M&E of sustainable development benefits of adaptation/NAPs on day 3 and 4.


10. Exercise (Cont’d ): developing a proposal to the GCF Readiness for NAP formulation and related processes including readiness for implementation of the NAPs

Session 6 – Preparatory elements

11. The NAP-SDG iFrame
12. Framing adaptation in the context of national and regional development targets, SDGs, Sendai and other frameworks Exercise: Working with SDGs to frame adaptation
13. Identifying systems for assessment based on development-adaptation themes and managing multiple entry points

Exercise: Mapping systems to different entry points, could be parallel session by region

Session 7 –  Sharing of experiences

14. Country experiences on NAPs
15. In depth examples from organizations
16. In-depth examples on selected adaptation strategies and options
• Integrating climate change in national budget processes (Experiences from UNDP and the NAP GN)
• Crop production (CCAFS)

• Climate extremes: floods and droughts (Country/WMO)
• Synergies between climate change and biodiversity conservation (CBD)

Session 8 –

17. Assessing climate risk and vulnerability by system: Presenting results of assessments using CLICC templates (UNEP)

Exercise: Working with CLICC templates, could be parallel session by region

Session 9 –  In depth examples of adaptation strategies and solutions in the region

18. Early warning systems in the Caribbean region (UNDP)
19. Adaptation at the community level. Case studies in livestock industries (St. Vincent and Grenadines)
20. Case study : Honduras
21. Strategies to ensure gender responsiveness in NAPs – interactive session (IISD)

Session 10 –Compiling outputs of the NAP process

22.Facilitated discussion on main outputs and milestones of the process, subsequent dissemination and use at the national level as well as under the UNFCCC.

Session 11 - Implementation strategies

23. Panel discussion: Appraisal, including trade-off analysis and nexus approaches, costing and ranking of adaptation options
(St. Lucia and Argentina)
1) One trade-off that each country made, or has foreseen, when undertaking adaptation.
2) How have, or will, that trade-off be addressed? (e.g. a nexus approach)

24. Packaging adaptation actions into policies, programmes and projects for inclusion in the NAP
25. Assessing sustainable development benefits of adaptation measures: measuring adaptation outcomes

Session 12 – Financing implementation of actions

26. Managing climate finance at the national level (Oxford Policy Management)

27. Financing implementation of NAPs. Perspectives from the NAP Global Network (IISD)
28. Project/programme funding for adaptation under the GCF ( GCF)

Session 13 – Reporting, monitoring and review (at IICA 29. Reporting under the UNFCCC
Session 14 – Available Support for NAPs

30. Presentations:

Adaptation Committee

Session 15 – Wrap-up and closing (at IICA) 31. The way forward (each country prepares one)
32. Workshop evaluation
33. Closing