Climate Dialogues,
Presidency events
Presidency’s Open Dialogue between representatives of Observers and Parties
03 Dec. 2020
17:00h - 19:00h
Virtual event
Climate Dialogues,
Presidency events
Presidency’s Open Dialogue between representatives of Observers and Parties
03 Dec. 2020
17:00h - 19:00h
Virtual event

1.  Background

The Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), at its forty-sixth session in May 2017 and at its fiftieth session in June 2019, extensively discussed “opportunities to further enhance the effective engagement of non-Party stakeholders with a view to strengthening the implementation of the provisions of decision 1/CP.21” under the agenda item Arrangements for Intergovernmental Meetings (AIM). The Open Dialogue, also known as the Presidency’s Open Dialogue between Parties and Observers, was established.

Decisions/Mandates for Open Dialogue:

  • FCCC/SBI/2018/9, paragraph 143: “In this regard, the SBI […] acknowledged the success of the first open dialogue held under the Presidency of COP 23. The SBI encouraged future Presidencies, supported by the secretariat as appropriate, to continue organizing and facilitating an open dialogue among Parties and observer organizations, while implementing its conclusions from SBI 46.”
  • FCCC/SBI/2017/7, paragraph 119(b)(i): “The SBI identified opportunities to further enhance the openness, transparency and inclusiveness of the effective engagement of non-Party stakeholders. […] Encouraging future Presidencies, subject to the availability of resources, to explore ways to enable admitted NGO constituencies to have an open dialogue with Parties, whereby agenda-setting as well as programming of the dialogue are conducted jointly among the admitted NGO constituencies, the Presidency, the Bureau and the secretariat as appropriate, on the understanding that any outcomes of such a dialogue should have persuasive value only, respecting the Party-driven nature of the UNFCCC process”.

2.  Objective and description

The main purpose of this session is to continue exchanging views and sharing information, on topics developed in consultation with constituencies, between observers and Parties to maintain momentum in the UNFCCC process and to showcase how climate action is progressing under the special circumstances the world is currently facing. This will help facilitate dialogue, help enhance the engagement of observers, and gather views from observer stakeholders, Parties and groups.

The recommendations will only have persuasive value – as per the SBI decision (FCCC/SBI/2017/7 paragraph 119(b)(i)).

3.  Proposed programme



5 min

Welcome by the facilitator, Mr. Archie Young, UK Lead Climate Negotiator

15-20 min

Welcoming remarks by Mr. Alok Sharma, COP 26 President; message by the COP25 Presidency; message by Ms. Patricia Espinosa, UNFCCC Executive Secretary

5 min

Introduction of guiding questions by the facilitator

Facilitator: Mr. Archie Young (UK Lead Climate Negotiator) supported by Mr. Andrés Landerretche Moreno (COP25 Presidency Coordinator)


This open dialogue aims to promote an exchange of ideas, experiences, and lessons learned between observers and Parties on the topic “Facilitating ambition within a green recovery”. The purpose is to gain knowledge on how constituencies, observer organizations, and civil society could help tackling the effects of climate change, particularly given the present situation. It is an opportunity to create synergies between participants when addressing problems caused by the climate.

Additionally, this session can serve as a source of inputs and as a reference to consultations and meetings held with parties and negotiating groups.

The conversation can also help strengthen the connections between the discussion generated in multilateral forums and the actual climate action carried out at the local level, a topic that has been mentioned in several panels and meetings. The constituencies can act as bridge between both levels, complementing the climate action.

Guiding questions:

  • How are Parties and observers collaborating with each other in order to increase ambition within a green recovery?


  • In which concrete ways can the green recovery be used to boost NDC ambition?


  • How best can observers actively contribute and feed into the increase of the ambition within a green recovery?

40 Min

Scene setting remarks from constituencies and Parties:

Remarks by constituencies on challenges and opportunities related in facilitating ambition and green recovery.

Concrete experiences at the national level by Parties.

45 Min

Facilitated roundtable discussion

5 Min

Closing remarks