Subsidiary Body events,
Climate Dialogues
Achievements of the Technical Examination Processes on Adaptation and Mitigation: 2016-2020
26 Nov. 2020
15:00h - 16:00h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage, Mitigation
Subsidiary Body events,
Climate Dialogues
Achievements of the Technical Examination Processes on Adaptation and Mitigation: 2016-2020
26 Nov. 2020
15:00h - 16:00h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage, Mitigation



The technical examination processes on adaptation (TEP-A) and mitigation (TEP-M) come to an end in 2020. For several years, these processes have gathered Parties, technical experts, and other stakeholders to examine various themes in the areas of adaptation and mitigation. For the first time in 2020, these processes were conducted entirely in a virtual setting, using new modalities and strategies to engage participants around the world in timely discussions on Education and training, public participation and youth to enhance adaptation action and Human settlements: sustainable low-emission housing and building solutions. Technologies and design for buildings, housing and construction.


This event, taking place during the UNFCCC Climate Change Dialogues, will provide a space for those involved in these processes to reflect on the key insights and achievements that have emerged, and look ahead at what can be done to build on these insights and achievements going forward. Additionally, during this event, the winners of the TEP-A Youth Policy Case Competition and the Adaptation Visual Art Competition will be announced.

Proposed programme

Time Item


15:00 - 15:03

Opening and welcome

Ms. Vositha Wijenayake, Moderator
15:03 - 15:06

Opening remarks

  • What have the TEPs accomplished?

Mr. Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, SBSTA Chair

15:06 - 15:16

Reflections from Constituted Bodies

  • What have we learned from the TEPs?
  • Value of these processes that give stakeholders a leading role in working alongside SBs/CBs
  • How have the ideas shared during TEPs been carried forward/complemented work of CBs?
  • Ms. Alice Gaustad, AC member
  • Mr. Stephen Minas, TEC Vice-Chair
15:16 - 15:23

Elevator Pitch of Case Competition Finalists 

Finalists of the case competition to offer a one-minute elevator pitch to remind the audience of their idea before the announcement later in the program

Video pitches from the finalists

15:23 - 15:30

Reflections from the High-level Champions

  • Importance of mechanisms for inclusive stakeholder participation
  • Potential of Marrakech Partnership stakeholders to continue building on this work

High-level Champions:

from Chile, Mr. Gonzalo Muñoz

from the United Kingdom, Mr. Nigel Topping

15:30 - 15:50

Panel discussion

  • What were your highlights from the TEPs?
  • What were some of the more surprising things you learned from the TEPs?
  • Are there any updates on case studies or examples that were presented during the TEMs?
  • How did the TEPs help advance the conversations in the various topics they covered?


Ms. Donna Lagdameo, RCRCCC

Mr. Michael Cote, Winrock International

Ms. Martina Otto, UNEP

15:50 - 15:55

Concluding reflections

  • Evolving context of this work in light of the COVID19 pandemic, IPCC1.5 report and updated Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-term Low Emissions and Development Strategies

Ms. Marianne Karlsen, SBI Chair

15:55 - 16:00

Closing and announcement of TEP-A competition winners

Ms. Vositha Wijenayake, Moderator