Country page - Ethiopia

Updated on 30 January 2024




Drought resistant seeds

Given the lack of quality and credibility of Early Warning Systems (EWS), there is a need to strengthen the EWS with methodological equipment

Strategies for sustainable funds for dissemination as health insurance, particularly in drought-prone areas

Increasing temperatures

Data management systems to provide reliable climate information

Consistent capacity-building programs to capacitate new experts in the areas of climate change as there is always an expert turnover in every sector 

  • Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) Strategy (2011-2019) – Implementation Progress Assessment Report
  • Agriculture Sector’s 2nd Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) (2015-2020) Implementation Progress Assessment Report
  • Ethiopia Country Climate Risk Assessment Report (2018)
  • Support Needs for the Implementation of Ethiopia's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), 2019
  • Climate-Fragility Risk Brief: Ethiopia (2019) Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Agriculture and Food Security in Ethiopia: Technical Report (2013)
  • Ethiopian National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH)
  • Climate Risk Analysis for Identifying and Weighing Adaptation Strategies in Ethiopia’s Agricultural Sector (2020)

Pre-emptive adaptation:

  • Ethiopian National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH)
  • Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP),
  • Agricultural Growth Programme (AGP 1 and 2),
  • Sustainable Land Management Programme (SLMP 1 and 2),   
  • Climate Action through Landscape Management Program (CALM)
  • DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework
  • Participatory Small-scale Irrigation Development Project (PASIDP 1 and 2)
  • Climate action through landscape action programme
  • Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP)
  • Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program in the Horn of Africa’ (DRSLP)
  • DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework for government and donor interventions
  • Development Response to Displaced Impacts Project (DRDIP)
  • Livestock and Fishery Sector Development Project (LFSDP)
  • Woreda disaster risk profile and Disaster risk reduction plan on DRM mainstreaming and decentralization          
  • National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS)                         

Contingency measures, e.g. through risk financing with regional risk pooling, insurance facilities and bonds, and through social protection measures, etc.

  • Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP),
  • DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework
  •  DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework for government and donor interventions
  • Weather index-based climate insurance pilot project in Ethiopia
  •  Woreda contingency plan                         

Addressing losses through disaster relief funds, credit facilities etc.:

  • Productive Safety Net Programme in Ethiopia (PSNP),
  • DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework
  • DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework for government and donor interventions 

Disaster risk reduction focused strategies and measures through activities under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, contingency and trust funds, disaster legislation, etc.:

  • DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework
  • DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework for government and donor interventions

Transformative actions (which could include any such actions already mentioned above):

  • Ethiopian National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH)
  • Agricultural Growth Programme (AGP 1 and 2),
  • Sustainable Land Management Programme (SLMP 1 and 2),   
  • Climate Action through Landscape Management Program (CALM)
  • DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework
  • Participatory Small-scale Irrigation Development Project (PASIDP 1 and 2)
  • Climate action through land scape action programme
  • Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP)
  • Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program in the Horn of Africa’ (DRSLP)
  • DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework for government and donor interventions
  • Development Response to Displaced Impacts Project (DRDIP)
  • Livestock and Fishery Sector Development Project (LFSDP)
  • National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS)                         

Collection and management of data and information (including databases, spatial data, systematic observations, establishing baselines, etc):

  • Reconstruction of historical climate databases including data rescue from old paper records to support climate information services.
  • Use of space technologies in systematic observations and geospatial analyses.
  • Establishment of a baseline on non-economic and social loss and damage, as well as regarding culture, territory, indigenous knowledge systems, ecosystem services.
  • Development of databases and information services to support risk profiling and risk assessment of a variety of timeframes by different actors and stakeholders in their decision-processes.

Analyses of data and information (including climate change projections, impact analyses, hazard mapping, etc):

  • Development of local to national climate change scenarios and production of projections of climate risk.
  • Conduct of pilot loss and damage assessments for certain key agricultural commodities which are vulnerable to climate change, such as rice, aquaculture, and fruits as well as coffee.
  • Construction of multivariate impacts and loss databases to support assessments and reporting including through the use of big data methods.
  • Design of shared database systems to support different ministries and other stakeholders in the country including data collection, storage and sharing protocols and policies.
  • Costing of impacts in the present as well as for projected impacts for use in costs-benefit analyses to appraise options.
  • Estimation and outreach on future climate change risks to inform investor decisions.

Design and implementation of projects on Loss and Damage:

  • Setting up cross-ministerial/sectoral coordination mechanism for the dissemination and linking warnings with early action, and the deployment of emergency assistance for communities.
  • Design of proposals and access to financing for climate information services and early warning systems under the GCF and other funding channels.
  • Development of funding proposals related to the strategic workstreams of the five-year rolling workplan of the Executive Committee.

 Financial instruments (such as insurance, risk pooling, contingency funds, etc):

  • Design of combinations of appropriate risk finance tools and instruments applicable to a specific country context and vulnerable groups.
  • Development and deployment of forecast-based finance instruments to minimize potential losses to productive systems.
  • Design and financing of social protection measures.
  • Development of different insurance mechanisms.
  • Design of national trust/contingency/recovery funds.
  • Development of national finance instruments (bonds, etc).
  • Development of regional finance instruments (regional risk facilities, etc).