Chile Leads Mitigation Coalition for Climate Action Summit
30 juillet 2019
Ovais Sarmad, Patricia Espinosa and Carolina Schmidt at SB50
Credit: UN Climate Change
Ovais Sarmad, Patricia Espinosa and Carolina Schmidt at SB50

Announcement by the incoming Chilean COP25 Presidency: 

The Government of Chile has been asked by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres to lead the coalition “Mitigation strategy” of the Climate Action Summit to be held in New York on 23 September 2019. Minister of Environment and President designate of COP25 Carolina Schmidt is being supported by UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa, and UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner, to undertake this critical task towards a future that is cleaner, healthier and safer for all people.

They are therefore working to deliver a bold and comprehensive mitigation strategy – acknowledging the long-term commitment that is needed to find durable solutions to climate change.

“It is vital that we act now to develop ambitious and transformative climate action,” stated Minister Carolina Schmidt.

The science is non-negotiable: The latest IPCC and IPBES reports underscore that to achieve the 1,5ºC goal, deep reductions are needed at a global level reaching net zero emissions by 2050.

Patricia Espinosa said, “the way forward is clear. We must be determined to present enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long Term Strategies, which achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. It is essential that we start planning within this timeframe, while we develop clear policies and measures to achieve our goals”.

Achim Steiner added, “our development pathways must be analyzed under the lens of urgency. It is our collective responsibility to provide a strong response to this climate crisis, and signal a clear commitment to work collectively towards a low-emission and resilient future.”

Success requires a truly global effort, encompassing not only governments but also sub-national entities and non-state actors. It is expected that the Summit will provide an ideal framework towards this common vision and to accelerate opportunities and collaborative platforms for further ambition.

“We invite everybody to participate in the Summit and in particular to engage in ambitious plans to reduce emissions”, said Minister Schmidt. “The only way we can tackle climate change is through universal commitment. No matter how big or small, we can all contribute, taking into account our different circumstances and priorities.”

This coalition – led by Chile – will now be reaching out to leaders and initiatives to join this collective effort to meet the 1.5 degree challenge.

This annoucement was originally initially by the incoming COP25 Presidency on its website.