Multilateral Assessment at SBI 50

The multilateral assessment (MA) is part of the international assessment and review (IAR) for developed country Parties.

The MA of the progress towards achieving the quantified economy-wide emission reduction target for 2020 is undertaken for each developed country Party after the submission and technical review of their biennial reports.

In 2018, the third cycle of IAR started with the submission of the third biennial reports and the seventh national communications from Annex I Parties and the technical review of these reports by international expert review teams.

The MA for developed country Parties was convened at SBI 50 in Bonn, Germany, 24 and 25 June, where the following 19 Annex I Parties were multilaterally assessed:

Australia Japan Russian Federation
Croatia Liechtenstein Slovenia
Denmark Malta Spain
Finland Monaco Sweden
Iceland Norway United Kingdom
Ireland Poland  
Italy Romania  


Timeline for the MA session during SBI 50, Bonn, June 2019:


15 March to 12 April 2019:
submission of questions by any Party to the Parties under MA;


13 April to 8 June 2019:
Preparation of answers by Parties under MA and posting of answers;


By 12 June 2019:
upload compiled questions and answers by the secretariat onto the individual Party page upon completion of answers by the Party;


During SBI 50, 24 and 25 June 2019, Bonn, Germany: 
MA Parties' progress towards emission reduction target;


July 2019:
publication of summary reports.



