Fashion Charter - Frequently Asked Questions

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United Nations Climate Change Secretariat
UN Campus Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn

During 2018, fashion stakeholders, under the auspices of UN Climate Change, worked to identify ways in which the broader textile, clothing and fashion industry can move towards an holistic commitment to climate action. They created the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, which contains the vision to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action contains a series of principles addressing climate change. These principles go beyond previous industry-wide commitments. The centerpiece of the document consists of a target of 30% GHG emission reductions by 2030 and a commitment to analyze and set a decarbonization pathway for the fashion industry drawing on methodologies from the Science-Based Targets Initiative. These targets, as well as the other principles, are a clear demonstration that fashions leaders are serious about urgently acting on climate change and is keen to set an example to other industrial sectors.

Alongside UN Climate Change, the Signatories and Supporting Organizations of the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, will work collaboratively to deliver on the principles enshrined in the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action.

For more information, please contact

The industry charter specifies the following overarching areas of work to be further developed by specific Working Groups:

  • Decarbonization pathway
  • Low Carbon Manufacturing
  • Policy engagement

For more information, please contact

Any company/organization professionally engaged in the fashion sector, and which is committing to the principles of the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, may participate in this work by signing the letter of commitment to the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action. Sample letters for organizations and companies wishing to join are available.

Signatories and Supporting Organizations that sign up to the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action will be contacted by UN Climate Change regarding next steps.

For more information, please contact

By joining the initiative, your company or organization is becoming part of the climate change solution. The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action has the potential to mobilize the entire fashion industry around climate change. It is more than a declaration. The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action is underpinned by commitments that can go beyond anything that any industry has collectively done.

  • Be recognized as a leader by championing the industry-wide movement on climate action;

  • Unite and connect with peers to enhance capacity to counter climate challenges;

  • Align your climate strategy and resources with that of your peers;

  • Become part of UN Climate Change Global Climate Action;

  • Share best practices and tools and gain access to the experiences of peers;

  • Be visible as an active contributor to the global climate solution;

  • Engage and convene with expert organizations;

  • Gain strength to reinforce and amplify the call for action within your value chain;

  • Shape the climate change policy agenda and call for policy frameworks that reward leadership and innovation.

Any company/organization professionally engaged in the fashion sector, and which commits to the principles of the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, can join, by signing the letter of commitment for the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action. The letter should be signed by your company/organization CEO/President and sent to the UN Climate Change secretariat at

UN Climate Change will manage the list of Signatories and Supporting Organizations.

If you wish to sign the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, please contact UN Climate Change secretariat at

Signatories to the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action are committed to support the implementation of the principles contained in it, both by pursuing the principles within their own organizations and by working collectively with other Signatories.

Organizations, also professionally engaged in the fashion sector, that are in a position to substantially contribute to the realization of the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action may also participate in this work. It is recognized that the Supporting Organizations are committed to the principles of the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action but that they may not be in a position to apply and implement all of them within their own organizations.

For more information, please contact

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