AWG-LCA 15.2 in-session material

This page contains material related to the work by the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention at its fifteenth session, part two (AWG-LCA 15.2). 

(Outcome of the work of the AWG-LCA)

Status of the work of the AWG-LCA as of 5 December 2012*

Informal consultations on the agreed outcome - Texts representing status of work
  Agenda item Status                            
3 (a)  Shared vision Non-paper (v. 5 Dec)
3 (b)(i)  Mitigation by developed country Parties Non-paper (v. 5 Dec)
3 (b)(ii) Mitigation by developing country Parties  Non-paper (v. 4 Dec)
3 (b) (iii)           Mitigation REDD plus Non-paper (v. 5 Dec)
3 (b)(iv) Sectoral approaches & sector-specific actions Non-paper (v. 5 Dec)
3 (b)(v) Various approaches

Non-paper (v. 5 Dec)
Non-paper (v. 4 Dec)
Non-paper (v. 1 Dec)

3 (b)(vi) Response measures Non-paper (v. 5 Dec, Revised 2)
3 (c)  Adaptation Non-paper (v. 5 Dec)
3 (d) Technology  Non-paper (v. 5 Dec)
3 (e) Finance Non-paper (v. 4 Dec)
3 (f)  Capacity-building Non-paper (v. 4 Dec)
4 Review Non-paper (v. 5 Dec)
 5 (a) Other matters: Economies in transition Non-paper (v. 4 Dec)
5 (b) Other matters: AI Parties whose special circumstances are recognized by the COP Non-paper (v. 4 Dec, Revised)

 * All documentation relevant to the session including in-session documents is available on the PaperSmart portal  and can be printed on demand at the PaperSmart desks. 

For further submissions from Parties (prior this session) see here.

For written inputs submitted by Parties during the informal session in Bangkok see here.

Note: As per standard procedure, written inputs and submissions from Parties  under the AWG-LCA will be posted on this web page. Submissions from Parties will be included in MISC or CRP documents, if and as requested.

Submissions received from Parties prior to this session are available here

 Shared vision (3(a))

 Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here 

FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.11 (27 November 2012)
FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.16 (4 December 2012)

Mitigation by developed country Parties (3(b)(i))

 Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here  

FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.5 (27 November 2012)
FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.7 (28 November 2012)
FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.12 (30 November 2012)

Mitigation by developing country Parties (3(b)(ii))

 Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here 

FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.10 (28 November 2012)
FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.12 (30 November 2012)

Mitigation REDD plus (3(b)(iii))

Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here 

FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.13 (28 November 2012)
FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/MISC.3/Add.4 (27 November 2012)

Sectoral approaches & sector-specific actions (3(b)(iv)

Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here   

Various approaches (3(b)(v))

Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here  

FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.8 (28 November 2012)
FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.15 (30 November 2012)

FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/MISC.4/Add.7 (28 November 2012)
Australia, Canada, Japan, Kazakhsstan, New Zealand, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the United States (28 November 2012)

Response measures (3(b)(vi)
 Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here  
Adaptation (3(c))

Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here  

G-77 and China (1 December 2012)

Technology (3(d))

Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here  

FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.6 (28 November 2012)

Finance (3(e))

Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here  

FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.9 (28 November 2012)

African States (1 December 2012)
G-77 and China (30 November 2012)

Capacity-building (3(f))

Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here  

FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/MISC.9 (27 November 2012)

Review (4) 

Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here 

FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.14 (27 November 2012)

Other matters: Economies in transition (5(a))
 Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here 
Other matters: AI Parties whose special circumstances are recognized by the COP (5(b))
Inputs and submissions received prior to AWG-LCA 15.2, can be found here 