Archive of Party submissions

Submissions are a very important element of sharing information, building understanding and advancing work inter-sessionally in a transparent and inclusive manner.  In May 2014, the secretariat introduced this new submission portal to enhance the user-friendliness and efficiency in submitting and viewing the information and views from Parties.

Parties are invited to use the portal to upload their information and views, including in response to new/extended calls reflecting the outcomes of the recent sessions of the Conference of the Parties, the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement.

The submission portal is a public site. However, for Parties to be able to upload submissions, access rights are required. Parties can obtain them by having their National Focal Point contact:
For more information on access rights or other matters related to the launch of this new submission portal, please contact



PLEASE NOTE: The submission portal does not include calls and submissions made prior to 2014. For such submissions please go to the archives linked below:








from Parties
(prior to the closure of ADP 2.5)

Submissions from Parties

Submissions from Parties

Submissions from Parties

Submissions from Parties

Submissions from Parties

Submissions from Parties

The submission portal also does not yet support the upload and presentation of submissions from observer organizations. Observer organizations are invited to continue to submit their views, as per current practice, via email. The views will be posted on the "submissions from observer organizations' pages."
