Review of the joint implementation guidelines

CMP 1 adopted the guidelines for the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol (joint implementation (JI)).

In accordance with decision 6/CMP.8, SBI 39 (Nov. 2013) initiated the review of these guidelines and agreed to continue its consideration of this matter at SBI 40 (June 2014). At SBI 40 and SBI 41, Parties continued considering this matter. 

At SBI 42, Parties considered the following documentation, as requested by CMP 10, through its decision  5/CMP.10, and agreed to continue considering this matter at SBI 43 (Dec. 2015):

  • technical paper on the opportunities for cost savings and efficiencies for JI, learning from the experiences of the CDM, while recognizing the respective mandates of the two mechanisms;

  • synthesis report of submissions from Parties on examples of voluntary technical approaches, designed by host Parties for their JI projects, that could assist the host Parties in achieving their quantified emission limitation or reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol;

  • Elaborated  recommendations on the review of the JI guidelines by the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC).

At SBI 43, Parties considered the above documentation and agreed to continue discussing this matter at SBI 44 (May 2016), on the basis of the draft decision text and its appendix proposed by the co-chairs of the informal consultations on this agenda sub-item and contained in the annex to document  FCCC/SBI/2015/30.

CMP 11, through its decision 7/CMP.11, requested the JISC to submit recommendations for consideration by SBI 44 on actions that would be necessary to implement the draft JI modalities and procedures, including changes to:

  • The rules of procedure of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee as adopted by decision 3/CMP.5;

  • Provisions under other decisions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol relating to joint implementation.

CMP 11 also requested the JISC to submit recommendations for consideration by SBI 44 in the context of the review of JI guidelines, inter alia, on options to address:

  • Concerns raised by stakeholders;

  • Validation by an accredited independent entity of post-registration changes.

At SBI 44, Parties concluded their consideration of the review of the JI guidelines. The work that has been undertaken by the SBI is recorded in the annex of the document FCCC/SBI/2016/L.8.
The SBI recommended a draft decision on this matter for consideration and adoption by CMP 12.

Synergy relating to accreditation under the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol

CMP 9 requested the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) to submit elaborated recommendations on the JI accreditation system aligned with that of the CDM, taking into consideration decision 6/CMP.8, paragraph 15(b), for consideration by SBI 40.

SBI 40 considered the synergy relating to accreditation under the mechanisms established under Articles 6 (JI) and 12 (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol, taking note of the recommendation from the JISC, and recommended a draft decision on this matter for consideration and adoption at CMP 10.
