175 States Sign Paris Agreement
22 avril 2016

During the 2016 Opening for Signature of the Paris Agreement, held at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 22 April, 175 Parties (174 countries and the European Union) signed the Agreement, and 15 States deposited instruments of ratification.  

Of the 175 Parties which participated in the Ceremony, 31 participated at the level of Head of State, 2 participated at the level of Vice President; 24 participated at the level of Head of Government; 9 participated at the level of Deputy Prime Minister; 29 participated at the level of Minister for Foreign Affairs; 59 participated at the ministerial level; 1 participated at the level of former President; and 20 participated at the level of Permanent Representative.  

The official UN list that can be accessed below gives all the details of countries and signatories.