Expert meeting
Research Dialogue 3, SBSTA 34
08 Jun. 2011
12:00h - 15:00h
Bonn, Germany
Saal Bonn, Maritim Hotel
Expert meeting
Research Dialogue 3, SBSTA 34
08 Jun. 2011
12:00h - 15:00h
Bonn, Germany
Saal Bonn, Maritim Hotel

8 June 2011 11.00 - 14.00, Saal Bonn, Maritim Hotel

Research dialogue on developments in research activities relevant to the needs of the Convention

Agenda (25 kB)

Chair's Report (14 kB)

Webcast of Research Dialogue

See also Workshop on research, held at SBSTA 34, on 2-3 June 2011  



Understanding the science: recent findings and on-going activities in international and regional climate change research


Overview of recent key findings from regional and international climate change research

Mr. Sergio Castellari, Italy, Facilitator of session I of the research workshop

Summary of main scientific findings presented at the SBSTA workshop on research (79 kB)

Mr. Guy Midgley on behalf of ESSP

Emerging results from global climate change research (4592 kB)

Mr. Drew Shindell on behalf of UNEP 

Findings from UNEP/WMO Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone (1202 kB)

Mr. Morten Skovgård Olsen, AMAP

Arctic Council Assessment of Regional and Global Climate Change Impacts on Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic(826 kB)  

 Developments towards preparation of the AR5 of the IPCC, including new elements and approaches (e.g. scenario developments, regional aspects, Article 2 of the Convention)

Mr. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, IPCC

IPCC, Article 2, Sea-level rise and Scenario Development(1137 kB)

Ms. Renate Christ, IPCC

New features in IPCC AR5 (213 kB)  

 Research needs and priorities to support emerging issues under the UNFCCC: Views by Parties

Mali on behalf of LDCs (by Mr. Birama Diarra)

Needs for research and systematic observation (115 kB)

Jamaica on behalf of AOSIS (by Mr. Clifford Mahlung)

AOSIS concerns and issues for consideration (110 kB)

Botswana (by Mr. David Lesolle)

Overview of Research Needs to address Climate Change: The case for Botswana (454 kB)

Papua New Guinea (by Ms. Federica Bietta)

Blue Carbon: Consideration in SBSTA (579 kB)

Switzerland (by Mr. José Romero)

Policy-making relevant questions to the socio-economic scientific community (42 kB)

Communicating climate science and building capacity for research in developing countries

 Good practices and challenges in communicating climate change research results

 Mr. Mannava Sivakumar, WMO

Developments on the Global Framework for Climate Services: Communicating climate information (689 kB)

 Ms. Ione Anderson, IAI

Communicating climate science to policy makers: A success story from the IAI collaborative research in the Americas (119 kB) , Movie: Preserving a Forest and a Way of Life

Ms. Cynthia Rosenzweig, on behalf of PROVIA

Communicating scientific knowledge and needs for research on vulnerability, impacts and adaptation (476 kB)

 Collaboration with and opportunities for building research capacity in developing countries

Mr. Andrew Matthews, APN

Enhanced research capacity building in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific: Success stories (3320 kB)   

Mr. Jon Padgham, START

Capacity building for adaptation research:START's African Climate Change Adaptation Fellowship Programme (1401 kB)

 Needs and priorities for enhanced research capacity and for enhanced science-policy dialogue: Views by Parties

Denmark (by Ms. Katrine Krogh Andersen)

Enhanced science-policy dialogue and communication(39 kB)