FullCycle Energy Fund

Ibrahim AlHusseini founded FullCycle Energy Fund to end the global waste crisis. He partnered with Synova to produce clean electricity while significantly reducing the volume of toxic producing waste in dumps. FullCycle and Synova designed power plants to convert waste from landfills into highly beneficial material, cleanly supplanting fossil fuel energy and saving up to 1.4 tonnes of CO2e per tonne of municipal solid waste (MSW) diverted. These power plants are effective because they cost less, use less land, reduce water contamination, and are more sustainable than constructing and operating landfills. They also reduce the need for landfills altogether and provide sanitary disposal of MSW, bio solids, and other organic wastes and dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Fast facts:

  • FullCycle Energy Fund saves up to 1.4 tonnes of CO2e per ton of MSW diverted;
  • These power plants eliminate methane emissions which are 21 times more harmful than CO₂;
  • The typical 18MWh plant consumes 102,000 – 170,000 metric tonnes of waste per year. Each tonne of waste consumed by Synova saves 1.1 tonnes of CO₂ compared to natural gas and 1.4 tonnes of CO₂ compared to coal.

The problem

The increasing amount of landfill waste produced each year poses enormous challenges for the health of the planet and the health of people. Landfills wastes contribute immensely to global greenhouse gas emissions.

The solution

The Synova designed power plants convert waste from landfills into highly beneficial material, cleanly supplant fossil fuel energy, save up to 1.4 tonnes of CO2e per tonne of MSW diverted, cost less, use less land, reduce water contamination, litter, and vermin, and will be environmentally preferable to constructing and operating a sanitary landfill. They also provide sanitary disposal of MSW, bio-solids, or other organic wastes, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and produce similar or lesser quantities of other pollutants. FullCycle Funds partner Synova uses a unique process which for the first time enables profitable small-to-medium sized waste-to-energy projects to be deployed.

Helping the planet

By implementing clean energy technology this activity creates green jobs while improving water quality, air quality, soil quality and overall community health of every person in the area.

Helping people

This activity focuses on communities that lack clean energy and where people are often marginalized and jobless. It also looks at areas where adequate schooling and housing are not available or affordable.

Scaling Up

FullCycle has the capacity to build thousands of clean energy plants worldwide. The technology and systems in place are 100% scalable and are designed to be implemented rapidly and on a global scale.

Images owned by the activity partners, all rights reserved.
