COP 7   29/10 - 9/11 2001 MARRAKESH, MOROCCO



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Capacity building


Under the Convention, the SBSTA is charged with providing advice on "ways and means of supporting endogenous capacity-building in developing countries" (Article 9), while the Kyoto Protocol commits Parties to cooperating in, and promoting, "…the strengthening of national capacity building…" (Article 10(e)). Capacity-building cuts across many of the issues under consideration in the climate change process, and has therefore featured in several COP decisions (see relevant COP decisions below). It was taken up for the first time as a separate issue by SBSTA/SBI 11 (October/November 1999).

Through its decisions 10/CP.5 and 11/CP.5, COP 5 (meeting together with SBSTA/SBI 11) launched a process to address capacity-building in an integrated manner, and to take a comprehensive decision at COP 6 on capacity-building in both developing countries and countries with economies in transition (EITs). COP 5 specified that this process should involve an assessment of both existing capacity-building activities and capacity-building needs and priorities, as well as co-ordination with the Capacity Development Initiative (CDI) of the GEF and other similar activities.

The GEF organized several regional workshops on the CDI during July and August 2000 to support the regional assessment of capacity-building needs. AOSIS organized a further workshop, and UNITAR, in cooperation with the secretariat and with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland, organized an additional workshop. GEF and UNDP presented the results of the CDI assessment phase at SBSTA/SBI 13 part I (September 2000), where they also consulted with Parties and announced the start of the strategy and action plan development phase of CDI. In addition, UNITAR and the North-South Dialogue announced the launch of a project assessing capacity-building needs related to the Kyoto Protocol in developing countries. The results of this project were presented to Parties at a special event during COP 6 part I (The Hague, November 2000).

Negotiators failed to reach agreement, however, on a package of decisions at COP 6 in The Hague and, as with other issues, the negotiating texts on capacity-building in both developing countries and EITs were forwarded to a resumed session of COP 6 for further consideration.

Latest developments

At COP 6 part II (Bonn, July 2001), Parties adopted the Bonn Agreements on the Implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action. As part of the Bonn Agreements, Parties completed work on two decisions and frameworks for capacity-building, one for developing countries and one for EITs. These aim to provide the basis for action on capacity-building under the Convention and to prepare for effective participation in the Kyoto Protocol when it enters into force. The frameworks present guiding principles and approaches for capacity-building, including a definition of their objective and scope, and set out actions for their implementation, including financing, operation, time frame and provisions for review of progress.

At COP 6 part II, Parties also completed a decision on additional guidance to the GEF, requesting the GEF to adopt a streamlined and expedited approach in financing activities within the framework for capacity-building for developing countries, and to report on the specific steps it has taken to implement the framework.

These three completed decisions were forwarded to COP 7 (Marrakesh, October/November 2001) for adoption.

Work was also completed on several other decisions including provisions for capacity-building, notably on the implementation of Articles 4.8 and 4.9 of the Convention and matters related to Article 3.14 of the Kyoto Protocol (adverse effects of climate change and mitigation measures), and on the development and transfer of technologies. Ongoing work concerning the institutional needs of least developed countries is also closely related to the issue of capacity-building.

Next steps

The completed decisions on capacity-building for developing countries and EITs, and on additional guidance to the GEF, are due to be adopted at COP 7, along with other decisions that include capacity-building components.

Documents prepared for the upcoming session
FCCC/CP/2001/5/Add.1 Completed decisions on frameworks for capacity-building in developing countries and EITs, and on additional guidance to an operating entity of the financial mechanism (the GEF)
Key decisions

Decision 1/CP.6

Implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action.
Decision 10/CP.5 Capacity-building in developing countries (non-Annex I Parties)
Decision 11/CP.5 Capacity-building in countries with economies in transition
Decisions 10/CP.2
and 12/CP.4
National communications from non-Annex I Parties
Decisions 11/CP.2
and 2/CP.4,
Guidance to the Global Environment Facility
Decision 9/CP.3
and 4/CP.4
Development and transfer of technologies
Decision 5/CP.4 Implementation of Article 4.8 and 4.9 of the Convention
Decision 6/CP.4 AIJ under the pilot phase
Decision 7/CP.4 Mechanisms under Articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Kyoto Protocol
Decision 14/CP.4 Research and systematic observation
Key documents prepared for earlier sessions
Negotiating texts
FCCC/CP/2001/2/Add.1 Consolidated negotiating text proposed by the President for COP 6 part II
FCCC/CP/2000/5/Add.3 (Vol. I) Text forwarded to COP 6 part II by COP 6 part I
FCCC/CP/2000/INF.3 (Vol.I) Text forwarded by SBSTA/SBI 13 part II (meeting together with COP 6 in The Hague) to the COP (also on the table for COP 6 part II)
FCCC/SBI/2000/10/Add.3 and 4 Texts prepared at SBSTA/SBI 13 part I and forwarded to SBSTA/SBI 13 part II
FCCC/SB/2000/8 Capacity-building in developing countries (non-Annex I Parties)
FCCC/SB/2000/9 Capacity-building in countries with economies in transition
Other documents
FCCC/SB/2000/INF.1 Compilation and synthesis of information on capacity-building needs and priorities of developing countries (non-Annex I Parties)
FCCC/SB/2000/INF.2 Compilation and synthesis of information on capacity-building needs and priorities of Parties included in Annex I to the Convention but not included in Annex II (EIT Parties)
FCCC/SB/2000/INF.3 Compilation and synthesis of information from Annex II Parties and relevant intergovernmental organizations on their capacity-building activities and programmes
FCCC/SB/2000/INF.4 Report on the progress in the review by the Global Environmental Facility of its enabling activities, its capacity-building activities in its normal work programme, its Country Dialogue Workshops and its Capacity Development Initiative
FCCC/SB/2000/INF.6 Submissions from Parties not included in Annex I
FCCC/SB/2000/INF.7 Submissions from Parties included in Annex I but not included in Annex II
FCCC/SB/2000/INF.8 and Add.1 Submissions from Parties included in Annex II
FCCC/SB/2000/INF.9 Submissions from relevant intergovernmental organizations on their on-going capacity-building activities
Key links
GEF Capacity Development Initiative
This agenda item is supported by the Implementation Programme
