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Press releases



Headline news



Press releases

Marrakesh, 10 November 2001
Governments ready to ratify Kyoto Protocol

Marrakesh, 9 October 2001
Marrakesh climate talks to finalize Kyoto rulebook

Statements by the Executive Secretary

Amsterdam, 13 July [Global Change Conference]
Challenges of a Changing Earth

Kampala, Uganda, 27 April [Workshop to Develop Guidelines]

National Adaptation Programmes of Action for LDCs

Washington, 17-18 April [Pew Center Conference]
Equity and global climate change

New Delhi, 7-9 February [Delhi TERI Summit]
Poverty: the global challenge

Press accreditation

Bona fide representatives of the mass media - press, photo, radio, television and film - will be accredited for coverage of COP 7, to be held from 29 Oct - 9 Nov at the «Palais des Congrès», in Marrakesh, Morocco.

Press accreditation is limited strictly to media representatives who fully meet UN accreditation standards and requirements. Those journalists who have been accredited to COP 6 (part 2) in Bonn may choose the «Fast Track». Photos of all participants will be taken on the spot.

All requests for press accreditation should be received by 19 October 2001. Late accreditation is possible, but may result in delays. Requests for accreditation may be considered accepted unless you are informed by the secretariat to the contrary. Confirmation letters will not be issued.

UNFCCC in Marrakesh
Press Accreditation Counter
Tel: +212-44 44 66 09
Fax: +212-44 44 88 61

Open daily 08.00 - 18.00
Closed Sunday 4 November

Accreditation form
