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The seventh session of the Conference of the Parties will convene its first plenary meeting on the morning of Monday, 29 October 2001, and the fifteenth sessions of the subsidiary bodies are scheduled to be opened on Tuesday, 30 October 2001. In the event of an early completion of the first Conference plenary, the Bureau has agreed that the subsidiary bodies could begin work during the afternoon of Monday, 29 October 2001.

November10, 2001

10 November 2001
Governments ready to ratify Kyoto Protocol


October 31, 2001:
Provisional List of Participants


October 29, 2001:
Conference Proceedings on the Internet


Welcome message from the COP 7 President designate, M. Mohamed ELYAZGHI - bio
English - Français - Arabic

and the Executive Secretary, Michael Zammit Cutajar
English - Français


October 28, 2001:
Kyoto sends greetings to participants of COP 7
Teiichi Aramaki, Governor, Kyoto Prefecture, Yorikane Masumoto, Mayor, City of Kyoto, Junichi Murata, Chairman, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, sent a message of greetings to the COP 7 President-designate H.E. Mohamed Elyazghim, Mr. Michael Zammit Cutajar and the participants of COP 7. The COP 3 host country in 1997 continues to follow the climate change negotiations.


October 25, 2001:
Secretariat launches technology transfer information systems
The UNFCCC secretariat developed a functional prototype of an Internet-based technology information system which provides access to information on the development and transfer of environmentally-sound technologies under the Convention, provides synergy with ongoing efforts of other organizations, and reduces duplication of efforts.

The technology information system complements and works with existing web sites and clearing houses of other relevant international organizations, as well as national and regional technology information centres. It has the potential to act as a gateway for fast access to up-to-date information on the latest technology transfer projects, environmentally sound technologies and know-how, and provide access to information on organizations and experts involved in the development and transfer of technologies.
Click here to take a look:


For the first time, the secretariat has been able to have nearly all pages of the COP7 website available in French. This has been possible thanks to the support of the Organisation de la Francophonie.


October 22, 2001:
Preparations for COP 7 in Marrakesh are well-advanced. Special steps are being taken, by UNFCCC and by the host Government as appropriate, to ensure adequate security arrangements in and around the COP 7 conference facilities and in Marrakesh in general. The secretariat will keep the situation under review in the light of any new developments and looks forward to welcoming all participants in Marrakesh.


September 10, 2001:
Message from the Presidents

