

Information on the conference venue and services
Updates will be found at this page as information becomes available.

Provisional agenda and Annotations
Final list of Participants
Other documents
Conference Proceedings Live on the Internet
Registration and media accreditation
Information on the meetings
Computer and communication services
Funding for delegates
Services available to NGOs
Media services
Information on UNFCCC and Climate Change
General Services
Summary of Conference Services (A-Z)
Practical information
Hotel reservation
Area map of the conference centre
An appeal from the Mayor of the City of Venice on behalf of
37 Mayors of coastal cities of the world






The venue for the resumed sixth session of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (16-27 July 2001), held in conjunction with the fourteenth sessions of its subsidiary bodies (starting on 16 July), is the Hotel Maritim, Godesberger Allee, 53175 Bonn, tel.: (0228) 8108-0, fax: (0228) 8108-811.

The following provides an overview of conference services and their locations in and around the Maritim. Please note that more detailed information, including opening hours and contact numbers for all service desks, can be found in the brochure Information for Participants, which is available at the conference information desk next to the main entrance of the Maritim.

Registration and media accreditation
Registration of all participants, including representatives of Observer organizations and the media, takes place at the Registration Counter located in the tent outside the Hotel Maritim, as follows:

Hours: 8 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July

Contact: Ms Hedwig Sandoval
Tel.: 43329-85 /86
Fax: 43329-87

Media participation in the conference is sub-ject to accreditation from UNFCCC. Please note that in view of space constraints, press accreditation will have to be limited strictly to media representatives who fully meet United Nations accreditation standards and requirements. It will be granted upon presentation of valid press credentials and a letter of assignment.

Press passes can be collected at the Press Accreditation Counter, located in the Registration tent, upon presentation of two photo IDs (passport, national press card, driving licence, work ID, etc.) or a photo press pass from the United Nations in New York, Geneva, Vienna, or Nairobi.

Hours: 8 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July

Contact: Mr. Michel Smitall
Tel.: 43329-82 / 83
Fax: 43329-84

Please note that double registration for the sessions is not permitted (i.e., State representative and Observer organization representative, or State representative and press/media representative).

Information on the meetings
The Daily Schedule (16-18 July) and the Daily Programme (19-27 July) provide information on all scheduled meetings of the Convention bodies, including their timing and venue, and the agenda items to be considered. They also provide schedules of the meetings of other groups and of press briefings, as well as other announcements relevant to the conference. The Schedule and the Programme are available at the Documents Distribution Counter and on this web site under the heading "Programme"

Please note that information contained in the Schedule and the Programme is subject to change according to the needs of the negotiating process.

Important announcements or last-minute changes not contained in the Daily Schedule or Daily Programme are displayed on the CCTV monitors located in the foyer of the Maritim and elsewhere on the conference premises. This information can also be viewed on the TV sets in the Maritim hotel rooms and this web site under the heading "Programme"

The Information Desk, located next to the main entrance of the Maritim, provides information about the meetings and the venue.

Hours: 8 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July

Contact: Mr. Andreas Engler
Tel.: 43329-41 / 42
Fax: 43329-43

Meeting rooms can be reserved at the Meeting Room Reservation Desk located in the foyer near the main entrance.

Hours: 9 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July

Contact: Ms Kay Merce / Ms Alice Baumelle
Tel.: 43329-66

All official documents, as well as the Daily Schedule/Daily Programme and the list of participants, are available at the Documents Distribution Counter located in the main foyer.

UNFCCC documents are also available on this web site and by direct electronic mail upon request to:

Hours: 8 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
Tel.: 43329-61

Computer and communication services
Computer facilities. Computers and two high-speed printers are available to participants on a first come, first served basis. These computers, located in the foyer of the first floor, are equipped with word processing and spreadsheet software and are connected to the Internet.

The helpdesk staff at the Computer Centre also assist participants who wish to make colour prints, printouts on overhead transparencies or scans of pictures.

Note: Please be considerate and do not monopolize the equipment which is intended for use by all participants.

Photocopying machines. Two card-operated photocopying machines are available to participants for the duration of the meetings. These machines are located in the conference foyer next to the Documents Distribution Counter. The cards needed to operate the machines can be purchased from the Information Desk. In case of technical problems with these copiers, please contact the staff at the Documents Distribution Counter.

Additional copiers are located in the Media Centre (Ministry of Education) for the use of media representatives and NGOs.

Telephones, fax machines, and modem jacks. Coin and card-operated telephones as well as card-operated fax machines and twelve plug-and-play desks to connect laptops to the Internet are located in the foyer near the main stairs. For instructions on how to use the plug-and-play desk to dial up to the Internet, please see the information stickers at the desks.

Please also note that the coin-operated telephones belong to the Hotel Maritim and calls from these phones are charged at a higher rate.

The Deutsche Telekom cards needed for the card-operated telephones may be purchased at the Bonn Information Desk near the main entrance of the Maritim.

Mobile telephones. COP 6 participants can purchase mobile telephones at the T-Mobil desk in the main foyer. These telephones cost DM 66 each and include a pre-paid call card which can be recharged. The phones can also be used outside Germany. Participants who do not wish to keep their cell phone after the end of the conference may return them to the T-Mobil desk where they will be collected for recycling. Please note, however, that returned phones will not be reimbursed.

Hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
(closed on Sunday, 22 July)

Funding for delegates
Delegates from Parties eligible for funding may collect their daily subsistence allowance (DSA) from the Administration office located in corridor Einstein on the first floor. Please present your passport or other official identity document (photo ID), tickets and boarding pass stubs to the travel officer when claiming DSA.

Hours: 9 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
(closed on Saturday, 21 July
and Sunday, 22 July)

Contact: Mr. Jaroslav Knap,
Mr. Sascha Strobel
Tel.: 43329-72

Services available to NGOs
Offices and a meeting room for environmental groups and local NGOs are located in the Ministry of Education (entrance level). Business and industry groups have an office and a meeting room in the foyer of the Ministry of Environment (first floor).

Each office is equipped with three PC workstations and a printer. NGO Press Briefings will be held in the International Media Centre.

Business and industry organizations
Ministry of Environment Tel.: 43328-93

Environmental groups
Ministry of Education Tel.: 43328-15

Local NGOs
Ministry of Education Tel.: 43328-16

Media services
International Media Centre. The International Media Centre, located at the Ministry of Education, offers various services to accred-ited members of the press, including TV and radio coverage facilities, work facilities for the print media and a UN Press Documents Counter.

Hours: During the conference, the International Media Centre is operational 24 hours a day (limited services between midnight and 7 a.m.).

The Media Coordinator, the Government Press Liaison Officer and the NGO Press Assistant have their offices in the International Media Centre.

The Conference Spokesperson as well as the Press Officer for the Executive Secretary can be contacted at the Hotel Maritim.

The Media Information Desk in the foyer of the Maritim arranges bookings for the Press Conference Room and facilitates interviews with UN officials or delegates

Contacts: Mr. Axel Wüstenhagen,
Media Coordinator
Tel.: 37758-90

Mr. Michael Williams,
Conference Spokesperson
Tel.: 43329-60 / 67

Press Documents Counter
Tel.: 43329-15

Media Information Desk
Tel.: 43329-65

NGO Press Assistant
Tel.: 1603675934

Information on UNFCCC and Climate Change
The Climate Change Kiosk. Located in the main foyer, the Climate Change Kiosk's primary goal is to provide information about climate change and the secretariat. It is a resource for anyone interested in:
Information on climate change information sources;
Background information on the climate change process and the secretariat;
Who's doing what in the process;
Who's doing what in the secretariat;
How to contact members of the secretariat;
How to obtain access to, or copies of, secretariat information products or services.

The Climate Change Kiosk includes an exhibit that shows how the negotiating process works as well as computers with Internet connection to help you:
Find relevant climate change information using the UNFCCC library online;
Search and retrieve climate change related information from the web;
Evaluate the quality of web-based information;
Locate other sources of climate change information.

Participants who need assistance in obtaining information related to any of these issues are invited to contact the staff at the Climate Change Kiosk.

Please also note that during this session, the Kiosk is assisting in the secretariat's undertaking of assessing its information products. Therefore, staff at the kiosk will be distributing and collecting questionnaires to all interested participants. Your input will help the secretariat improve the services and information it provides to Parties and observers.

General Services
Bonn Information. Information on hotel reservations, local transportation, train and air travel, as well as tourist information about Bonn and Germany is available at the Bonn Information Desk (Toursimus & Congress) near the main entrance of the Maritim.

Hours: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tel.: 43329-39

Note: During the time of the conference participants may use their conference badges for free public transport in Bonn.

Pigeonholes. Delegates of Parties who wish to leave messages for other participants are requested to use the pigeonholes located at the Documents Distribution Counter. Representatives of non-governmental organ-izations may use the message board located in the main foyer to post messages.

Restaurants. Located in the main foyer of the Hotel Maritim are a restaurant ("Rôtisserie"), a café ("Brasserie"), and a bar offering drinks and snacks.

Deliveries. Participants expecting deliveries to the Hotel Maritim should contact Mr. Amir Gholamali, located at the Information Desk (Tel.: 0160-3673724).

Bank. Deutsche Bank, located in the foyer of the Maritim, operates a bank desk for participants of the conference. Services include processing of DSA payments, cashing of travellers cheques and changing of major currencies from and into Deutschmarks.

Hours: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
(closed on Saturday, 21 July
and Sunday, 22 July)


Receptions. A reception, hosted by the German ministry of environment and the City of Bonn to welcome participants to the conference, will be held on Tuesday, 17 July, as of 7 p.m. on the Museum Square next to the art museum (Kunsthalle).

The official reception of the Executive Secretary, the President of the COP, and the UNFCCC secretariat takes place in the Maritim on Wednesday, 18 July as of 6.30 p.m. All participants to the conference are cordially invited to attend.

Special events and exhibits. A preliminary calendar of special events and exhibits held during COP 6.5 will be made available with the first issue of the Daily Schedule at the beginning of the conference. For updates and changes to the calendar, please see the Daily Schedule and, as of 19 July, the Daily Programme and the announcements on the CCTV monitors as well as the message board for special events and exhibits in the main foyer.

In order to provide a better focus for information on events and to avoid paper wastage, participants are kindly requested to post flyers and posters regarding special events, exhibits or meetings only on this message board and to inform the secretariat (Ms Barbara Black, Tel.: 43329-76) before posting any material. Please note that flyers posted in other areas of the conference centre will be removed.

Other events. A detailed calendar of social and cultural events organized around the conference can be found in the special and cultural events guide published by the City of Bonn. Copies of this guide are available at the conference Information Desk.

Emergencies. In case of a medical emergency, please contact the German Red Cross staff located in the emergency room near plenary I (Tel.: 8108735) and in the mobile medical station next to the entrance of the Registration tent in front of the conference centre (Tel.: 3728801).

For other emergencies, immediately contact UN security staff (wearing either a UN uniform or a UN armband), who will be located at the entrance of the conference area, or call one of the following numbers:
43329-70 /71

Badges. Access to the conference venue is restricted to registered participants of the meetings. In order to help enforce the high security standards of the secretariat, participants are expected to wear their badges as soon as they are issued. They must be worn at all times and in all areas for the duration of the conference. Badges are issued only on the basis of a letter of nomination from Parties, Observer States or accredited Observer organizations. Lost badges must be reported to the Registration Desk immediately.

Personal items. Please be aware that unattended items will be removed. Contact UN security staff, located near the conference centre’s main entrance, for lost and found items.

Food or drinks are not permitted in the meeting rooms.

Smoking area. Please note that smoking is not permitted in the Conference Centre, except in the designated areas.

Summary of Conference Services (A-Z)




Banking services

Hotel Maritim

Hours: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
(closed on Saturday, 21 July
and Sunday, 22 July)

Bonn Information

Hotel Maritim

Hours: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tel.: 43329-39

Information on
climate change and UNFCCC

Climate Change Kiosk
Hotel Maritim

Hours: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
For more information, see


Computer Centre
First floor
Hotel Maritim

For more information, see

Conference information

Information Desk
Hotel Maritim

Hours: 8 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
Tel.: 43329-41 / 42
Fax: 43329-43

Deliveries to the conference centre

Information Desk
Hotel Maritim

Hours: 8 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Mr. Amir Gholamali
Tel.: 0160-3673724

Funding for delegates

Corridor Einstein
First floor
Hotel Maritim

Hours: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
(closed on Saturday, 21 July
and Sunday, 22 July)
Tel.: 43329-72

List of participants

La Marée
Hotel Maritim

Mr. Horacio Peluffo
Tel.: 43329-77

Media accreditation

Press Accreditation Counter
Registration tent
outside Hotel Maritim

Hours: 8 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
Tel.: 43329-82 / 83
Fax: 43329-84

Media Coordinator

International Media Centre
Ministry of Education

Mr. Axel Wüstenhagen
Tel.: 37758-90

Media Information

Media Information Desk
Hotel Maritim

Tel.: 43329-65

Medical service

Emergency room
Hotel Maritim /
Mobile medical station
next to entrance
of Registration tent

Tel.: 8108735 (Maritim)
3728801 (Mobile station)

Meeting room reservation

Meeting Room Reservation desk
Hotel Maritim

Hours: 9 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
Tel.: 43329-66

NGO Liaison
Special events and exhibits

La Marée
Hotel Maritim

Ms Barbara Black
Tel.: 43329-76

Official documents

Documents Distribution Counter
Hotel Maritim

Hours: 8 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
Tel.: 43329-61


Hotel Maritim

For more information, see

Press Documents

Press Documents Counter
International Media Centre
Ministry of Education

Tel.: 43329-65

Registration of participants

Registration tent outside Hotel Maritim

Hours: 8 a.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 16 July - Friday, 27 July
Tel.: 43329-85 /86
Fax: 43329-87


Hotel Maritim

Tel.: 43329-70 /71


Hotel Maritim

For more information, see

UNFCCC Spokesperson

Hotel Maritim

Mr. Michael Williams
Tel.: 43329-60 / 67



COP 6, part 2: Notification for Parties (see note)

COP 6, part 2: Notification for to National Focal Points for Climate Change and Diplomatic Missions accredited to the Federal Republic of Germany for Parties that are members of the Group of 77 and China

COP 6, part 2: Notification for United Nations Secretariat Units and bodies, specialized agencies and related organizations

COP 6, part 2: Revised schedule Notification for NGO-IGO

COP 6, part 2: Notification for NGO-IGO

Nominations from admitted Observer organizations for sessions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change bodies

Nominations of representatives from admitted Observer organizations should be communicated to the secretariat through the designated Contact Point for the organization to the Climate Change secretariat. These nominations should be sent with full contact information (first name, last name, title, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address) before the deadline indicated in the corresponding Notification.

Only nominations received by the secretariat through the designated Contact Point and accompanied with full contact information will be registered.

All admitted Observer organizations are encouraged to ensure that they have completed and returned the Organization Details form sent to admitted Observer organizations. Those admitted Observer organizations which have not designated a Contact Point, are requested to do so as soon as possible, to enable registration of their nominated representatives. Effective communication between the secretariat and Observer organizations require that these organization details are kept current.


Facsimile to The Hague participants:
Open-ended informal high-level consultations
The Hague, 27 - 28 June 2001


Draft decision, for adoption at the high-level segment of the Conference,
presented under the authority of the President :

New proposals by the President of COP 6

This part contains a link to the paper prepared by Mr. Jan Pronk, President of COP 6, entitled: "New Proposals by the President of COP 6". This paper was issued on 9 April 2001 for despatch to the participants in the President's High Level Consultations to be held in New York on 20-21 April 2001.

The paper was distributed on 12 April 2001 from the UNFCCC web site for informational purposes.


Practical information
Hotel reservation:
Message from Kyoto


Following recent meetings of the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties (COP), important changes have been made to the schedule of the sixth session of the COP, part 2, as follows:

  • The sixth session of the COP will resume on the afternoon of Thursday, 19 July 2001
  • It will be preceded by informal consultations conducted by the President of the COP, with the assistance of the Bureau, from Monday, 16 July 2001 until the morning of Thursday, 19 July 2001
  • The high-level segment of the session will begin on the evening of Thursday, 19 July 2001; this segment will continue until Sunday, 22 July 2001
  • The session will then continue from Monday, 23 July 2001 and conclude on Friday, 27 July 2001
  • The fourteenth sessions of the subsidiary bodies (SBSTA and SBI) will convene on Monday, 23 July 2001 until Friday, 27 July 2001

This schedule is the result of further consideration by the Bureau of the COP and supersedes the schedule previously announced in the notification of the sessions dated 16 May 2001 (see below).

All sessions will take place at the Hotel Maritim, Godesberger Allee, D-53175 Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, as previously announced. All other arrangements and requirements for the sessions remain unchanged.
