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Russian Federation    

Ratification status

Climate Change Convention
   Date of signature:13 June 1992
   Date of ratification:28 December 1994
   Date of entry into force:28 March 1995
Kyoto Protocol
   Date of signature:11 March 1999
   Date of ratification:18 November 2004
   Date of entry into force:16 February 2005


Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet)

Relevant documents Relevant CP or CMP decision(s)Relevant CP or CMP conclusion(s)Other relevant information
  12/CP.7 COP 13 Conclusion

National reporting

National communications Annex I Non-Annex I
In-depth reviews IDR 1 IDR 2 IDR 3 IDR 4
  summary summary summary summary
Other materials
 Demonstrable progress report
 National Adaptation Programme of Action
 National Action Plan
 GCOS report

National focal points

Country Person Ministry/Organization Address Phone Fax Email Direct phone Direct fax Direct email
Russian Federation  Mr. Igor Shumakov, Head  Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet)   Novovagan'kovsky Street 12 Moscow   (7-499) 252 55 04  (7-499) 795 2354  (7-499) 252 55 04  (7-499) 795 2354