Negotiation Updates COP 21/ CMP 11

This section provides regular updates on developments following the closure of the ADP, SBI and SBSTA, including in relation to items that have been transferred to the COP/CMP, as well as consultations led by Heads of Delegation, Presidency informal stock-taking meetings and other significant developments in the second part of the negotiations.


Paris Agreement adopted

Information provided in accordance with paragraph 105 of the decision related to entry into force (Article 21) of the Paris Agreement.

Progress on text

Comité de Paris
Mandate and Chairing
Open-ended group of legal and linguistic experts
Information for Observers
Meetings of the Comité de Paris
-Comité de Paris, 7th meeting, 12 December
-Comité de Paris, 6th meeting, 12 December
-Comité de Paris, 5th meeting, 10 December
-Comité de Paris, 4th meeting, 9 December
-Comité de Paris, 3rd meeting, 9 December
-Comité de Paris, 2nd meeting, 8 December
-Comité de Paris, 1st meeting, 7 December

Informal Consultations
List of issues and facilitators
Guidance from the President to facilitators on the conduct of informal consultations
Specific mandates to facilitators for their informal consultations on key issues
Scheduling and organizational arrangements
-Tuesday, 8 December
-Monday, 7 December

Statements by the COP Presidency
President’s statement at 5th plenary of COP 21 (5 December 2015) on the Organization of Work in the second week



Comité de Paris

Mandate and Chairing

As decided by the COP at its 5th plenary meeting on 5 December 2015, the President convened informal consultations by means of an open-ended single-setting group to be known as the Comité de Paris. The objective of these consultations was to make progress and facilitate compromise on the draft Paris Outcome and package of decisions transmitted to the COP by ADP.

The committee is chaired by the COP President, who could be replaced by Ambassador Laurence Tubiana, as necessary.

Open-ended group of legal and linguistic experts

At its 5th meeting on 5 December 2015 the COP, following standard United Nations practice, established an open-ended group of legal and linguistic experts to undertake a technical review of the text of the draft agreement and present the results of the review to the Comité de Paris by close of business on Thursday, 10 December 2015, for the latter’s consideration.

After informal consultations, the COP President appointed as Co-Chairs of the group Ms. Jimena Nieto Carrasco (Colombia) and Mr. Peter Horne (Australia). Coordinators of regional groups and of the small-island developing States were invited to submit nominations for the core membership of the group, consisting of 11 experts, by close of business on Monday, 7 December 2015. More details on the group’s mandate and composition are provided in the attached Notification.

Information for Observers

Comité de Paris meetings are open to Parties and Observers, unless the committee decides otherwise. Open meetings will be televised in designated viewing rooms and webcast.

Due to space constrains, a number of access tickets will be distributed to representatives of observer organizations so that they can attend the meetings. 

UN organizations: please collect an envelope per organization from the information desk.

IGO: a limited number of tickets are available. Please request by email and collect from the Observer Organizations Liaison team at Conference Affairs Services in Hall 2.

NGO: the tickets are distributed through the NGO Constituency Focal Points. NGOs that belong to constituencies are kindly invited to contact the following focal points: List of focal points

For details, contact the Observer Organization Liaison Office of the secretariat.

Meetings of the Comité de Paris 

        Comité de Paris, 7th meeting, 12 December

The 7th meeting of the Comité de Paris was convened by COP President Laurent Fabius at 19:00 on 12 December to consider thedraft Paris Agreement presented earlier to the Parties (see 6th meeting below). The committee heard the report of the group of legal and linguistic experts, which recommended some adjustments in the text of the draft agreement and its language versions. Subsequently, the committee consented to the President transmitting the draft agreement to the COP for adoption, with a number of technical  corrections orally presented by the secretariat.

The COP convened immediately after completion of the Comité de Paris meeting and adopted the Paris Agreement

        Comité de Paris, 6th meeting, 12 December

 Following the informal consultations undertaken by the COP President on Thursday, 10 December, at the "Indaba of Solutions", the President conducted  intensive consultations on 11 December with  groups and Parties on outstanding issues. The President  convened the 6th meeting of the Comité de Paris at 11.30 a.m. on Saturday, 12      
 December where he presented to the Parties the draft Paris Agreement. He invited the Parties to study the Agreement and reconvene to discuss it later in the day.       

         Comité de Paris, 5th meeting, 10 December

At the fifth meeting of the Comité de Paris on 10 December, from 21:00 to 21:30, the COP President presented to Parties version 2 of the Draft Paris Outcome. This new version reflects inputs from Parties received in the course of the open-ended informal consultations held during the previous night.

The President announced that he intended to give Parties sufficient time to review the revised version and consult among themselves. Starting from 11.30 pm, he would convene another round of open-ended informal consultations entitled “Indaba of Solutions” to resolveoutstanding issues and arrive at a final version of the Draft Paris Outcome.

 Where in the course of the Indaba there are persistent differences on a certain issue, heads of delegation of interested Parties would  be asked to seek solutions in a more focused setting and report back to the Indaba within 30-45 minutes. On the basis of the progress achieved in the course of these consultations on the text as a whole, the President would present on the following day, 11 December, tothe Comité de Paris his proposal for a final version of the text.

The President also announced that all members of the open-ended group of legal and linguistic experts had been     designated and that he group had taken up work on articles 12, 13, 14, 16, 21, 23, 25 and 26 of the draft agreement.

Comité de Paris, 4th meeting, 9 December 
The Comité de Paris held its fourth meeting on 9 December from 20:00 to 23:30. Numerous Parties took the floor to provide their initial reactions to the Draft Paris Outcome made available earlier in the day. As next step, the President Invited Parties to informal consultations, as follows: 


  • tarting as of midnight, open-ended Indaba-type consultations on Differentiation, Support and Ambition, chaired initially by Minister Fabius, and later by Ambassador Tubiana (meeting room La Rhône; overflow rooms Le Rhin, La Garonne)

  • In parallel, open-ended informal consultations on Loss and Damage (midnight - 1 am); Cooperative approaches and mechanisms (1-2 am) ; Forests (2-3 am) and the Preamble (3-4 am); these will involve the corresponding facilitating ministers and will be coordinated by Minister Manuel Pulgar Vidal, President of COP 20 (meeting room Le Maroni).

The consultations are open to Parties only. The President announced his intention to issue a new revised text in the afternoon of Thursday, 10 December.
The President also proposed that the Comité de Paris pass on to the Open-ended Group of Legal and Linguistic Experts a limited number of “clean” articles of the Draft Paris Outcome for the legal and linguistic review, namely draft articles 12 to 26, with the exception of draft articles 15, 18 and 19.

Comité de Paris, 3rd meeting, 9 December


The Comité de Paris held its third meeting on 9 December from 15:00 to 15:30 hrs. At the meeting, the COP President, Minister Laurent   Fabius, presented to the delegates a Draft Paris Outcome based on the text transmitted to the COP by ADP on the previous Saturday and incorporating drafting guidance by the facilitating ministers and advice from the ADP co-facilitators. The President encouraged delegates to study the text closely and consult within their groups. The Comité de Paris would meet again at 20:00 hrs to hear the reactions of delegations to the new text. At that meeting the President would make proposals regarding the method of work.

The President asked the delegates to prepare for work overnight and during the following day, towards the elaboration and eventual adoption of the Paris Agreement within the foreseen time frame.


Comité de Paris, 2nd meeting, 8 December

The Comité de Paris held its second meeting on 8 December from 7.00-8.00 p.m. At the meeting, the COP President, Minister Laurent Fabius, gave the floor to the facilitating ministers to report on the results of the consultations they held during the day. These reports are attached below.

The President also used this occasion to announce his plan for the way forward, which was met with broad support by Parties. His remarks related to the next steps in the process are attached below.

Comité de Paris, 1st meeting, 7 December

The Comité de Paris held its first meeting on 7 December from 7.00-8.30 p.m. At the meeting the COP President, Minister Laurent Fabius, announced that he had requested ministers to assist him by consulting on additional issues, namely Adaptation and Loss & Damage, Cooperative Mechanisms and Forests (see below complete table of facilitating ministers as announced at this meeting and the COP plenary on 5 December).

The President further announced that he would seek assistance to undertake consultations on Response Measures. The names of ministers will be announced.

At the same meeting, ministers who had been requested at the COP plenary meeting on Sunday, 5 December, to undertake consultations on the four topics of Support/Means of Implementation; Ambition; Differentiation and Pre-2020 Action, respectively, presented their reports on consultations undertaken so far.

The next Comité de Paris meeting will take place on Tuesday, 8 December, 7.00-8.00 pm.


Informal Consultations

List of issues and facilitators

Targeted and time bound informal consultations are being conducted at the request of the President as per below. The outcomes of these consultations are reported back to Comité de Paris.



Support: means of implementation (finance, technology, capacity building)

  • H.E. Mr. Franck Emmanuel Issoze-Ngondet, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Gabon

  • H.E. Mr. Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety of Germany

Differentiation, in particular with regard to mitigation, finance, transparency

  • H.E. Ms. Izabella Monica Vieira Teixeira, Minister of the Environment of Brazil

  • H.E. Mr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore

Ambition, including long-term goals and periodic review

  • H.E. Mr. James Fletcher, Minister of Public Service, Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology of St. Lucia

  • H.E. Ms. Tine Sundtoft, Minister of Climate and Environment of Norway

Acceleration of pre-2020 Action, Workstream 2 excluding pre-2020 finance

  • H.E. Mr. Pa Jarju Ousman, Minister of Environment, Climate Change, Water, Forestry and Wildlife of the Gambia

  • H.E. Ms. Amber Rudd, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Department of Energy and Climate Change of United Kingdom

Adaptation and loss & damage

  • H.E. Mr. René Orellana, Minister of Planning for Development of Bolivia

  • H.E. Ms. Asa Romson, Minister for Climate and the Environment of Sweden


  • S.E. Sra. Claudia Salerno Caldera, Embajadora, Comisionada Presidencial para Cambio Climatico of Venezuela


  • H.E. Mr. Daniel Vicente Ortega Pacheco, Minister of Environment of Ecuador

  • H.E. Ms. Doris Leuthard, Federal Councelor, Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications of Switzerland

  • H.E. Mr. Henri DJombo, Minister for Forestry, Environment and Sustainable Development, Republic of Congo

Cooperative  approaches and mechanisms

  • H.E. Ms. Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Canada

  • H.E. Raymond Tshibanda N'Tungamulongo, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Congo


Response measures

  • H.E. Jan Szyszko, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Poland

  • H.E. Mr. Khaled Mohamed Fahmy Abdelall, Minister of State For Environmental Affairs of Egypt

Facilitating implementation and compliance

  • H.E. Mr. Rafael Pacchiano, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico

  • H.E. Mr. Manuel Pulgar Vidal (Peru) will conduct a mission in conjunction with the civil society representatives on behalf of COP21 President.

Guidance from the President to facilitators on the conduct of informal consultations

  • The mandate of the facilitators is to bridge differences with a focus on issues that require resolution to enable a timely and successful conclusion of the Paris Outcome;

  • They will facilitate discussion between all Parties to help find solutions; let us not restate positions but rather focus on solutions;

  • On the basis of these guiding principles, facilitators will have flexibility to address the issues that we need to look at in a manner that is most conducive to their timely and successful resolution;

  • President will convene meetings of the Comité de Paris each day, starting on Monday from 7.00-9.00 p.m., to take stock and progressively work towards these solutions;

  • Facilitators have been asked to present to the Comité de Paris an outcome each day, showing incremental progress;

  • By Monday night, facilitators should present their assessment of the possible concepts for solutions emerging from their consultations;

  • By Tuesday night, facilitators are asked to present their conclusions, based on their consultations, on how best to frame the emerging solutions in the form of initial drafting guidance;

  • This will be done in full consideration of the overarching principles of transparency, openness, and inclusiveness. The Comité de Paris will be the main forum to ensure these principles are upheld.

Specific mandates to facilitators for their informal consultations on key issues



Support: means of implementation (finance, technology, capacity building)

  • Post-2020 Finance (Art 6);

  • Pre-2020 Finance (para 122);

  • Technology development and transfer (Art 7);

  • Capacity-building (Art 8).

Differentiation, in particular with regard to mitigation, finance, transparency

  • Reflecting the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, in light of different national circumstances in a general manner (preamble, Article 2, Article 2bis);

  • Reflecting differentiation in mitigation (Article 3.3);

  • Reflecting differentiation in the transparency framework  (Article 9.1);

  • Reflecting differentiation in finance (Article 6.2, 6.4, 6.10 and 6.12).

Ambition, including long-term goals and periodic review

  • Purpose (Art 2; 2013-2015 Review);

  • Long term goals (Art. 4.1, 3.1, 6.1);

  • Progression in ambition (Art 2 bis.2, Art 3.6);

  • Stocktake (Art 10).

Acceleration of pre-2020 Action, Workstream 2 excluding pre-2020 finance

  • Draft decision on worsktream 2 (para 113-145), with the exception of  pre-2020 finance (para 122)

Scheduling and organizational arrangements

Tuesday, 8 December

Minister-led informal consultations under the Comité de Paris

and 16.30-17.30

Support: means of implementation (finance, technology, capacity building)

Le Maroni 


Acceleration of pre-2020 action (Workstream 2, excluding pre-2020 Finance)

Room 9


Adaptation, Loss and Damage

 Le Rhone


Implementation, Compilance

Room 20


Differentiation, in particular with regard to mitigation, finance and transparency

Room 7


Cooperative Approaches and Mechanisms

Room 1



Room 27


Bilaterals conducted by facilitators


Ambition, including long-term goals and periodic review
Contact: Ms. Livia Hollins


Differentiation, in particular with regard to mitigation, finance, and transparency
Contact: Ms. Naziha Degroote


Acceleration of pre-2020 action  (Workstream 2, excluding pre-2020 Finance)
Contact: Ms. Inkar Kadyrzhanova


Adaptation, Loss and Damage
Contact: Ms. Annett Moehner


Support: means of implementation (finance, technology, capacity building)
Contact: Mr. Hyunwoo Kim


Cooperative approaches and mechanisms
Contact: Mr. Andrew Howard   


Facilitating, implementation and compliance
Contact: Ms. Maria Socorro Manguiat

Meetings to be announced (see CCTV)




 Response Measures


Monday, 7 December

The schedule and venue of informal consultations for 7 December is as follows:



Support: means of implementation (finance, technology, capacity building

Two meetings with all Parties to be held from 10.30-12.00 and 16.00-17.30 in Le Maroni

Bilaterals from 12.00-16.00

Contact: Mr. Hyunwoo Kim

Differentiation, in particular with regard to mitigation, finance, transparency

Bilaterals from 11.00-13.00 and 15.00-17.00

Contact: Ms. Naziha Degroote

Ambition, including long-term goals and periodic review

Bilaterals from 10.30-14.30

Contact: Ms. Livia Hollins

Acceleration of pre-2020 Action, Workstream 2 excluding pre-2020 finance

Bilaterals from 10.30-14.30

Contact: Ms. Inkar Kadyrzhanova

Statements by the COP Presidency

Presidents statement at 5th plenary of COP 21 (5 December 2015) on the Organization of Work in the second week

English, French

Updated: 12/12/2015 - 23:12
