Sustainability corner with additional information on conference greening for COP 18/CMP 8

Sustainability efforts

The UNFCCC secretariat is committed to sustainable development practices such as the improved management of operations and facilities, building on existing efforts and promoting cost effectiveness. In approving the secretariat's Programme Budget for the Biennium 2010-2011, the Conference of the Parties encouraged the Executive Secretary to "continue to implement initiatives to reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions of the secretariat's operations and activities".

Against this background, and as part of the secretariat's overall sustainability efforts, a number of actions are being undertaken to reduce the carbon footprint of the conference and minimize wastage of all resources, including paper, related to it. For further information, please refer to this  Information note to Parties and observer organizations (174 kB)

Tree Counter

The COP 18/CMP 8 Tree Counter shows the approximate number of trees that have been saved through paper-reduction measures targeting official documents.

COP 18 / CMP 8 - Tree Counter

PaperSmart services

The UNFCCC secretariat, together with the Integrated Sustainable PaperSmart Services (ISPS) secretariat, is adopting the United Nations PaperSmart services for COP 18/CMP 8. More information may be obtained here.

Related articles from the host country website

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The secretariat's efforts to achieve full climate neutrality

Background information on the secretariat's efforts to achieve full climate neutrality (including information on the UN's "Greening the Blue" initiative) may be found here.

UN Sustainable Events Guide

The UN Sustainable Events Guide may be  downloaded here.
