What is Greenhouse Gas Data?

The ultimate objective of the Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC) is to achieve "... stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system."

Estimating the levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals is an important element of the efforts to achieve this objective. This web page provides access to most recent data on national GHG emissions and removals as follows:

  • GHG Data - UNFCCC: this page is an entry to the UNFCCC GHG data interface which provides access to the most recent GHG data reported by countries that are Parties to the Climate Change Convention
  • KP Data - UNFCCC: this is a page with GHG data relating specifically to the Kyoto Protocol; the data are as reported by countries that are Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
  • GHG Data - Non-UNFCCC: this page provides links to the web sites of various organizations that also collect, estimate and/or disseminate data on GHG emissions/removals

How to find the GHG data needed within the GHG data interface  

The UNFCCC data interface provides a vast multitude of data. Data can be displayed for individual Parties or groups of Parties, for different greenhouse gases or for their sum, and in varying degrees of detail. To find the exact GHG data required, the user is advised to consult the following table where typical user requirements are mapped against the data availability on this site.

Latest UNFCCC publications with GHG data  

The latest UNFCCC publications with GHG data under the Climate Change Convention are
