NDC webinar series

In response to decision 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 97 per cent of Parties communicated an intended nationally determined contribution (INDC). The COP mandated the secretariat to provide an update of the synthesis report of the aggregate effect on INDCs, which was published 2 May 2016.

Furthermore, the Paris Agreement, adopted at COP 21 and signed by 180 Parties, requires each Party to prepare, communicate and maintain their nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Each successive NDC will represent a progression beyond the Partys then current NDC and reflect its highest possible ambition. The secretariat was mandated to develop an interim NDC registry until the modalities and procedures are negotiated. This interim registry was introduced at a side event at the May sessions 2016 in Bonn.

The Agreement emphasizes the importance of cooperation to reach the goal to keep the global temperature rise below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue further efforts to limit the rise to 1.5°C. Implementation is the immediate priority. Parties have started at looking at identifying and implementing measures to meet the objectives of their INDCs/ NDCs. The secretariat is involved in several initiatives to enhance cooperation and support to developing Parties to meet these targets.

In line with the decisions 1/CP.19, 1/CP.20 and 1/CP.21 the series of webinars has informed interested Parties and others of:

  • Messages and findings from the synthesis report on the aggregate effect of communicated INDCs

  • Sharing information on the NDC cycle

  • International efforts to support the implementation of NDCs

  • Long-term ow emission development strategies

 Webinar #1 - Synthesis report on the aggregate effect of INDCs5 October 2016 agenda PresentationsSynthesis report and aggregate effect, UNFCCCAdaptation components of INDCs, UNFCCC Impact of INDCs on global greenhouse gas emissions, N. Hoehne  New Climate

 Webinar #2 - NDC Cycle 

18 October 2016



 NDC cycle, UNFCCC


 NDC registry, UNFCCC


 Argentina's experience on NDCs, Soledad Aquilar

 Webinar #3 - NDC Support25 October 2016agendaPresentationsNDC Leadership Compact,  Ashley Allen, US Department of StatesNDC Support, Michael Comstock (UNDP) NDC Partnership, Jacob Waslander (WRI)

 Webinar #4 - Long term low emission development strategy

 8 December 2016



Advancing long-term low GHG emissions development strategies, Kelly Levin (WRI)


United States mid-century strategy for deep decarbonization, Allan Fawcett (Environmental  Protection Agency)


Climate Action Plan 2050 - Principles and goals of the German government's climate policy, Andrea Meyer (BMUB)


Webinar #5 - Long term low emission development strategy - Part II 1 February 2017agenda PresentationsBusiness perspectives and why long-term decarbonisation pathways are important for companies, Elise Buckle (WBCSD) Mexico's Climate Change Mid-Century Strategy, Claudia Octaviano Villasana (National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change)  Canada's mid-century long-term low-greenhouse gas development strategy, Warren Goodlet (Current Analysis and Economic Research Division Environment and Climate Change Canada/ Government of Canada)   

Recordings of all presentations are available here.

If you want to receive emails on our webinars and for questions please contact NDCs@unfccc.int
