Background documents

Regional workshop to promote international collaboration in facilitating preparation, submission and implementation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions
10 - 13 December 2013, Mexico City

Information note (168 kB)


List of participants (130 kB)


Workshop report (331 kB)




 Day 1

 Part I: Context for NAMAs

Status of negotiations on NAMAs (136 kB)


 A Regional NAMA  framework for Solar PV
 in the Caribbean
(1267 kB)

 World Bank Institute

 Update in Mexican Policy Development (2372 kB) s (English)

La Política de Cambio Climático y NAMAs
(Acciones nacionales Apropiadas de Mitigación)
(2336 kB)


Costa Rica's NAMA (388 kB)

 Costa Rica

 NAMA Agricola (3653 kB)

 Costa Rica

Transformational NAMAs: The Colombia Tod example (1670 kB)


 Part II: Institutional Arrangements

Institutional arrangements for NAMAs (923 kB)


Establishing robust institutional arrangements for NAMAs (2875 kB)               


Best practices in institutional Arrangements
NAMA-Cafe de Costa Rica
(1440 kB)

Costa Rica

Modelo Sostenible Unico, Investigacion y Produccion (5869 kB)

Costa Rica

 Utilizing existing CDM related institutional arrangements (192 kB)


 Day 2

 Part III: Financing and Support

Climate finance initiatives, and sources and instruments for
financing NAMAs
(808 kB)


Designing public and private sector interventions to
mobilize climate compatible investment
(1235 kB)

ODI (via tele-conference)

 The NAMA Facility - Support for the Implementation of  NAMAs (315 kB)                          

German and UK Embassies
in Mexico

Attracting private investment through NAMAs:
The role of risk, return and policy design
Part 1: Why and how private investment matters
(1006 kB)

ETH Zurich

Attracting private investment through NAMAs:
The role of risk, return and policy design
Part 2: deep dive into the investor logic
(451 kB)

ETH Zurich


 Case study exercise

 UNDP NAMA Finance Case Study (541 kB)

 ETH Zurich                    

Derisking Renewable Energy Investment Framework
and Tool - Guidance document
(128 kB)

 ETH Zurich



 Panel discussion

 Discussion for International  Support for NAMAs and LEDS (489 kB)


 Support to NAMAs (1452 kB)

 UNEP Risoe                       

 Portal Regional par la Transferencia de Tecnologia y la
Accion frente al Cambio Climatico
(2976 kB)


  Day 3

 Part IV: MRV

CAF's Role in the NAMA Design and ITS Finance (890 kB)


MRV in the context of UNFCCC (464 kB)


Setting up of national MRV systems (1363 kB)

 UNEP Risoe

Building national capacities on MRV of NAMAs (624 kB)


 Country presentations

Country experience in setting up national MRV system (300 kB)


Dominica's NAMA Planning Process (1268 kB)


GIZ MRV tool - NAMA Approach (2076 kB)


Solar Thermal NAMA in Uruguay (423 kB)


 Brazil's NAMA (1009 kB)


 Day 4

 Part V: NAMA Approvers' Forum

The NAMA registry - NAMA Approvers' Forum (1186 kB)


The role of the NAMA registry in facilitating mitigations actions and
national level arangements: The Dominican republic Case study
(1076 kB)

 Dominican Republic        

The NAMA Registry - Roles and Access rights (294 kB)