Status of contributions as at 15 November 2014. Note by the secretariat.

1. This document contains information on the status of receipt of contributions to the UNFCCC trust funds as at 15 November 2014. The status of indicative contributions to the Kyoto Protocol is reported separately from the status of contributions to the Convention. 2. Table 1 lists all 196 Parties to the Convention and shows the expected and received contributions during 2014 and the outstanding balances for 2014 in euros due to the Trust Fund for the Core Budget of the UNFCCC. Ninety-three Parties have paid their contributions for 2014, representing 62 per cent of the indicative contributions for this year. Table 2 reflects the outstanding contributions for the years 1996–2009 in United States dollars. In table 3, Parties are grouped according to their status of contributions paid to the core budget for the Convention. 3. Table 4 lists all 192 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and shows the expected and received contributions during 2014 and the outstanding balances for 2014 in euros due to the Trust Fund for the Core Budget of the UNFCCC. Eighty-one Parties have paid their contributions for 2014, representing 68 per cent of the indicative contributions for this year. Table 5 shows the outstanding contributions for the years 2005–2009 in United States dollars. In table 6, Parties are grouped according to their status of contributions paid to the core budget for the Kyoto Protocol. 4. The status of payment of fees for the international transaction log (ITL) is shown in table 7. With three exceptions, all Parties to the ITL have paid their fees for 2014. Twelve Parties have already paid advances amounting to EUR 233,912 towards the fees for 2015. 5. Table 8 reflects the voluntary contributions received in 2014 by the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities, which amount to USD 11.2 million, as well as the fees related to joint implementation, which amount to USD 0.04 million. Table 9 shows the voluntary contributions to the Trust Fund for Participation in the UNFCCC Process, which amount to USD 1.6 million. 6. The various fees paid towards the clean development mechanism for 2014 are listed in table 10 and amount to USD 6.8 million.

Item 18(b) of the provisional agenda
Administrative, financial and institutional matters
Budget performance for the biennium 2014–2015
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