Least Developed Countries (LDC) Fund


The Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) was established to support a work programme to assist Least Developed Country Parties (LDCs) carry out, inter alia, the preparation and implementation of national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs).

The Global Environment Facility (GEF), as an operating entity of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention, has been entrusted to operate this Fund through decision 27/CP.7.

The Conference of the Parties (COP), at its eleventh session, agreed on provisions to operationalize the LDCF to support the implementation of NAPAs, providing guidance with regards to priority areas, and provisions on full-cost funding and a co-financing scale (Decision 3/CP.11).

Recent Developments

COP 22:

COP 22 welcomed the annual report of the GEF to the COP and its addenda, including the technical review of the programme priorities of the LDCF.

The COP also welcomed the conclusions of the program evaluation of the LDCF by the GEF’s Independent Evaluation Office.

The GEF, as the operating entity of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention entrusted with the operation of the LDCF, was requested to continue to enhance capacity development in the LDCs for the development of project proposals with a focus on identifying potential funding sources, both national and international, and enhancing long-term domestic institutional capacities.

The COP further encouraged the GEF to continue to track, review and report on sustainability of project outcomes from the LDCF and SCCF.

COP 21:

COP 21 encouraged additional voluntary financial contributions to provide support for the national adaptation plan process through contributions to the LDCF and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF).

In addition, the COP requested the GEF to carry out a technical review of the programme priorities of the LDCF, taking into account the independent review conducted by the Independent Evaluation Office of the GEF, on, inter alia:

  1. Undertaking pilot concrete climate change activities that are particularly relevant for the LDCs;
  2. Enhancing longer-term institutional capacity to design and execute the activities referred to under (a) above.

COP 20:

COP 20 welcomed the increased allocation and disbursement of funds to LDCs under the LDCF and noted with appreciation the additional contributions by Parties to the LDCF. It also noted that the LDCF has financed the preparation of 51 NAPAs, of which 50 have been completed, and has approved the funding for 159 NAPA implementation projects and for programmes in 48 LDCs (as at 3 December 2014).

COP 20 requested the GEF:

  • To share, in its next report, lessons learned and progress made in its pilot accreditation of GEF national project agencies;
  • To enhance communication with its implementing agencies and to encourage its implementing agencies to enhance their communication with countries to facilitate a timely implementation of other elements of the LDC work programme including NAPAs.

In addition, COP 20 invited the GEF:

  • To continue to support the remaining activities contained in the LDC work programme;
  • To include, in its annual report to the COP, information on specific actions that it has undertaken to implement the remaining elements of the LDC work programme, including the updating and implementation of NAPAs, with a view to the COP determining, at its twenty-first session, appropriate further guidance to be provided to the GEF.

Developed country Parties and other Parties in a position to do so were encouraged by the COP to continue contributing on a voluntary basis to the LDCF in order to support the implementation of the LDC work programme.

Key Documents

GEF Operational Guidelines for Expedited Funding for the Preparation of National Adaptation Programs of Action by Least Developed Countries, April 2002  click here  
GEF Programming Paper for Funding the Implementation of NAPAs under the LDC Trust Fund, May 2006


GEF Results-Based Management Framework for LDCF and SCCF, October 2008 GEF/LDCF.SCCF.5/3
EF working document: Implementation of Results-Based Management Framework under the LDCF and SCCF, November 2009 GEF/LDCF.SCCF.7/4
GEF Updated Handbook for conducting Technology Needs Assessment for Climate Change November 2010  click here
GEF publication on Accessing Financing under the Least Developed Countries Fund, May 2011 click here
Program Evaluation of the Least Developed Countries Fund, September 2016  click here









Latest updates on the SCCF/LDCF

Latest GEF Annual Reports to the COP

 Latest submissions by Parties and relevant organizations on the LDCF (FCCC/SBI/2014/MISC.3)
