COP 23 Presidency Consultations




Accelerating the implementation of the pre-2020 commitments and actions and increasing the pre-2020 ambition in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of decision 1/CP.19

The COP President requested on 6 November the President of COP22 to conduct consultations on his behalf with Parties on the two proposed new agenda items, namely:
a. Accelerating the implementation of the pre-2020 commitments and actions and increasing the pre-2020 ambition in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of decision 1/CP.19.
b. Gateway to encourage, measure, report, verify and account for greater ambition from corporate entities, investors, regions, states/provinces, cities and civil society organizations.
The COP22 President reported on the consultations at the informal stocktaking plenary convened by the COP President on 11 November. Thereafter consultations continued on both items.
In the case of proposed item (a) above, the COP22 President has held bilateral consultations with all groups, as well as open-ended consultations. At a final open-ended consultation in the morning of 15 November, Parties approved by acclamation a text proposed by the COP22 President.
Broad consultations with all groups and Parties have also been conducted by the COP22 President on proposed item (b) above, with no concrete outcome as of 15 November.

Gateway to encourage, measure, report, verify and account for greater ambition from corporate entities, investors, regions, states/provinces, cities and civil society organizations

The COP President requested on 6 November the President of COP22 to conduct consultations on his behalf with Parties on the two proposed new agenda items, namely:
a. Accelerating the implementation of the pre-2020 commitments and actions and increasing the pre-2020 ambition in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of decision 1/CP.19.
b. Gateway to encourage, measure, report, verify and account for greater ambition from corporate entities, investors, regions, states/provinces, cities and civil society organizations.
The COP22 President reported on the consultations at the informal stocktaking plenary convened by the COP President on 11 November. Thereafter consultations continued on both items.
In the case of proposed item (a) above, the COP22 President has held bilateral consultations with all groups, as well as open-ended consultations. At a final open-ended consultation in the morning of 15 November, Parties approved by acclamation a text proposed by the COP22 President.
Broad consultations with all groups and Parties have also been conducted by the COP22 President on proposed item (b) above, with no concrete outcome as of 15 November.

COP 23 Presidency consultations on request by Turkey to seek access to support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) by Parties with special circumstances, which were recognized by the COP.

Open-ended, informal consultation on this issue were first initiated by the COP 21 Presidency and continued during COP 22 and the meetings of the subsidiary bodies in 2016.

On behalf of the COP 23 Presidency, State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth (Germany) has met with several negotiating groups and consulted these bilaterally and in informal meetings during the first week of COP 23. Mr. Flasbarth reported on the outcome of these consultations during the informal stocktake of the COP on 11 November 2017.

Mr. Flasbarth continues his meetings with negotiating groups during the second week of the COP, with a view to reach consensus on a draft decision proposed on 13 November 2017.

COP 23 Presidency consultations on the Paris Agreement work programme

 The COP 23 Presidency initiated on 14 November consultations on the Paris Agreement work programme, including on how to reflect progress made during this session and how to take the work forward.


Chief Negotiator Ambassador Khan held bilateral consultations with all negotiating groups, as well as an open-ended consultation in the evening of the 15 November. At the an open-ended consultation, Ambassador Khan informed Parties that her reflections on the consultations so far, including specific elements discussed, will be posted on the UNFFCCC website for Parties to consider further prior to holding a second open-ended consultation on 16 November (to be announced).

16 Nov 2017 @ 22.00