Issues related to agriculture and food security


The Conference of the Parties at its twenty-seventh session, held in Sharm El Sheikh in 2022, adopted decision 3/CP.27 on the "Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security". This four-year joint work includes implementation of the outcomes of the Koronivia joint work on agriculture and previous activities addressing issues related to agriculture, as well as future topics, recognizing that solutions are context-specific and take into account national circumstances, with the following objectives:

(a) Promoting a holistic approach to addressing issues related to agriculture and food security, taking into consideration regional, national and local circumstances, in order to deliver a range of multiple benefits, where applicable, such as adaptation, adaptation co-benefits and mitigation, recognizing that adaptation is a priority for vulnerable groups, including women, indigenous peoples and small-scale farmers;

(b) Enhancing coherence, synergies, coordination, communication and interaction between Parties, constituted bodies and workstreams, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, the Adaptation Fund, the Least Developed Countries Fund and the Special Climate Change Fund in order to facilitate the implementation of action to address issues related to agriculture and food security;

(c) Promoting synergies and strengthening engagement, collaboration and partnerships among national, regional and international organizations and other relevant stakeholders, as well as under relevant processes and initiatives, in order to enhance the implementation of climate action to address issues related to agriculture and food security;

(d) Providing support and technical advice to Parties, constituted bodies and the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism on climate action to address issues related to agriculture and food security, respecting the Party-driven approach and in accordance with their respective procedures and mandates;

(e) Enhancing research and development on issues related to agriculture and food security and consolidating and sharing related scientific, technological and other information, knowledge (including local and indigenous knowledge), experience, innovations and best practices;

(f) Evaluating progress in implementing and cooperating on climate action to address issues related to agriculture and food security;

(g) Sharing information and knowledge on developing and implementing national policies, plans and strategies related to climate change, while recognizing country-specific needs and contexts;

This page gives an overview of activities under the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security and provides links to the relevant documents.. It is complemented by the Sharm el-Sheikh online portal which the Conference of the Parties established for sharing information on projects, initiatives and policies for increasing opportunities for implementation of climate action to address issues related to agriculture and food security.

Outlook for SB 61 (November 2024)

At their sixty-first sessions (November 2024), the SBSTA and the SBI will continue their consideration of the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security (pursuant to decision 3/CP.27, paragraph 14) and the secretariat will present the Sharm el-Sheikh online portal.

At their sixtieth sessions (June 2024), the SBSTA and the SBI continued to consider the elements of the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security (pursuant to decision 3/CP.27, paragraph 14). 

They agreed on a substantive road map for the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security, with a range of agreed activities, including:

  • Annual synthesis reports to be published for consideration during the first regular SB session each year, on the work undertaken by constituted bodies and financial and other entities under the Convention, as well as by relevant international organizations, on activities related to the joint work;
  • Two in-session workshops in hybrid format, on the following topics:
    • At SB62 (June 2025): Systemic and holistic approaches to implementation of climate action on agriculture, food systems and food security, understanding, cooperation and integration into plans;
    • At SB64 (June 2026): Progress, challenges and opportunities related to identifying needs and accessing means of implementation for climate action in agriculture and food security, including sharing of best practices;
  • A request to the UNFCCC secretariat to develop the Sharm el-Sheikh online portal under the joint work. 

The SBSTA and the SBI conclusions capture the outcomes of the sessions

At their fifty-ninth sessions (November-December 2023), the SBSTA and SBI continued their consideration of the elements of the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security, pursuant to decision 3/CP.27, paragraph 14.

The SBSTA and SBI agreed that the consideration of this matter will continue at SB 60 (June 2024), taking into account the document prepared at these sessions. The SBSTA and SBI conclusions capture the outcomes of the sessions.

At their fifty-eighth sessions (June 2023), the SBSTA and SBI established the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security, pursuant to decision 3/CP.27, paragraph 14.

They welcomed the submissions from Parties and observers on the elements of that joint work and on the operationalization of the online portal under it. Finally they agreed to continue consideration of that matter during the next session of the subsidiary bodies.

The SBSTA and SBI conclusions capture the outcomes of the sessions.

At their fifty-seventh sessions (November 2022), the SBSTA and SBI continued consideration of issues related to agriculture. They agreed to recommend to the Conference of the Parties to consider these matters at its twenty-seventh session.

The conference of the Parties continued to consider these matters and adopted a decision (decision 3/CP.27), reporting back on the work done under the Koronivia joint work on agriculture and establishing the four-year Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security as well as the Sharm el-Sheikh online portal under the joint work.
