COP 7   29/10 - 9/11 2001 MARRAKESH, MOROCCO



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Activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase


At its first session (Berlin, March/April, 1995), by its decision 5/CP.1, the COP launched a "pilot phase of activities implemented jointly" (AIJ). Under the pilot phase, Parties may implement projects on a voluntary basis that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or enhance removals of greenhouse gases by "sinks", in addition to what would have occured otherwise, in the territories of other Parties. However, no credits may accrue to any Party for such reductions or removals.

Decision 5/CP.1 established a set of criteria to guide AIJ, and encouraged Parties to report on their activities conducted under the pilot phase. Parties must now use the uniform reporting format adopted at COP 3 to prepare these reports. Each year, the secretariat compiles a synthesis of the reports received, which the COP then uses to review progress on the pilot phase on an annual basis.

Decision 5/CP.1 also called on the COP to conduct a "comprehensive review" of the pilot phase in order to take a "conclusive decision" on it by 2000. The issue of AIJ, including its comprehensive review, was incorporated under the Buenos Aires Plan of Action adopted at COP 4 (Buenos Aires, November 1998). The comprehensive review was concluded by COP 5 (Bonn, October/November 1999), which decided to continue the pilot phase beyond 2000. Parties agreed that, during the continuation of the pilot phase, the issue of geographical imbalance, in particular the lack of projects in Africa and small island developing States, should be addressed.

A draft revised reporting format prepared by the secretariat was presented to Parties during COP 5. An improved version, taking into account comments from Parties and including draft guidelines for its use, was considered at SBSTA/SBI 13, part I (September 2000). Parties decided to consider the draft further at a future session.

Due to lack of agreement on a package of decisions under the Buenos Aires Plan of Action, the COP did not adopt its annual decision reviewing progress on the AIJ pilot phase when meeting at its sixth session (The Hague, November 2000). Instead, the draft text of a decision was forwarded to a resumed session of COP 6.


Latest developments

At COP 6 part II (Bonn, July 2001), Parties completed their work on a decision on AIJ, and forwarded it to COP 7 (Marrakesh, October/November 2001) for adoption. The completed decision continues the pilot phase and requests the secretariat to organize a workshop on the draft revised uniform reporting format.

The deadline for Parties to submit information to be considered in the fifth annual synthesis report on AIJ (FCCC/SBSTA/2001/7) was 15 June 2001.


Next steps

The completed decision on AIJ will be presented to COP 7 for adoption.

The fifth annual synthesis report on AIJ will be considered by SBSTA 15 and, if necessary by SBI 15 (both meeting together with COP 7 in Marrakesh), which may recommend a draft decision to COP 7.


Documents for the upcoming session


Completed decision on activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase

FCCC/SBSTA/2001/7 Fifth synthesis report on AIJ


 Key decisions and conclusions

Decision 1/CP.6

Implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action.

Decision 13/CP.5

Activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase

Decision 6/CP.4

Activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase

Decision 10/CP.3

Activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase

Decision 8/CP.2

Activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase

Decision 5/CP.1

Activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase

Report on SBSTA 11 Para. 24
Report on SBSTA 10 Para. 89
Report on SBSTA 5 Para. 47 Annex III and IV (uniform reporting format)


Key documents for earlier sessions

Negotiating texts


Consolidated negotiating text proposed by the President for COP 6 part II

FCCC/CP/2000/5/Add.3/Vol. I Text forwarded to COP 6 part II by COP 6 part I
Other documents
FCCC/SB/2000/6/Add.1 Draft revised uniform reporting format
FCCC/SB/2000/6 Fourth synthesis report on AIJ
FCCC/SB/1999/5 and Add.1 and Corr.1 Issues to be addressed in the review of the pilot phase, including the third synthesis report on AIJ
FCCC/CP/1998/2 Second synthesis report on AIJ  
FCCC/SBSTA/1997/12, Corr.1-2, and Add.1 First synthesis report on AIJ


Key links

Designated AIJ national authorities (contact information)

National AIJ programmes

List of projects

Project Search

Calendar of upcoming events

Work on methodological issues

This agenda item is supported by the Planning, Coordination and Emerging Issues Programme
