Lead Reviewers Meetings on Biennial Reports and National Communications

As part of the Expert Review Teams, there are two experienced experts who act as co-lead reviewers during the review. One co-lead reviewer is selected from an Annex I Party and one from a non-Annex I Party. Lead reviewers ensure that the reviews in which they participate are performed by each ERT according to the relevant review guidelines and are implemented consistently across Parties. They also ensure the quality and objectivity of the thorough and comprehensive technical examinations in the reviews and provide for the continuity, comparability and timeliness of the reviews.

The secretariat facilitates annual meetings of lead reviewers for GHG inventories, BRs and NCs in accordance decision 23/CP.19 and its annex. These meetings provide an important opportunity to harness the LRs experience in undertaking reviews to help improve the quality, efficiency and consistency of the reviews, including through the preparation of a Review Practice Guidance.



Lead Reviewers Meeting for the review of Biennial Reports and National Communications


15-16 February 2023 Tenth Meeting Conclusion
7-9 March 2022 Ninth Meeting Conclusions
24-26 February 2021

Eighth Meeting

9-10 June 2020

Seventh Meeting


11-12 March 2019

Sixth Meeting


28 February-1 March 2018

Fifth Meeting Conclusions 

6-7 March 2017

Fourth Meeting


3-4 March 2016

Third Meeting


5-6 March 2015

Second  Meeting


6–7 March 2014

First Meeting


