Urban poor


Flooding is an urgent climate-related impact that is taking a toll on Uruguay. During the last decade, more than 67,000 people were evacuated from their homes in 60 cities across the country because of flooding.

The country’s National Resettlement Plan is relocating thousands of families out of flood-prone and polluted areas and into secure housing on secure land to help them adapt to the effects of climate change. The USD 42 million resettlement plan also includes job training for family members and the reuse of former flood-risk residential land into other flood-compatible uses.


How it works

How it works

The plan is focused on the resettlement of families that are located in frequent flood risk areas, in polluted zones and do not have the necessary resources to find housing alternatives or secure land on their own.

Photo: © Marcelo Campi

How it works

Resettlement houses are located in urban areas with access to transportation, sanitation, energy and education services. The families that are resettled are engaged in a participatory process in order to jointly develop the most viable housing options.

How it works

The former flood-risk residential lands are converted into public spaces, usually parks, that can be flooded from time to time without harm and prevent these areas from being occupied again by informal settlements.

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