Because of the worldwide interest in COP3 and its outcome, this module includes
a number of special features. These features, to be made available during the Conference, include:
Audio and Video broadcasts
The proceedings of public sessions of the Conference, as well as selected
special events, may be viewed live or on request. To view or listen in, you will
need the RealVideo Player, which may be obtained following this link....
Chat sessions
The Secretariat will schedule live chat sessions on topics relevant to Climate
Change. Questions posed via the World-Wide-Web will be answered live by experts
in the field.
Questions and Answers service
Questions submitted through this page will be answered quickly and posted on the
page for the benefit of all interested users.
Children's Page
For our younger visitors, a text explaining why we need to act in order to safeguard the earth's precious climate.


The Convention - Info for Participants - Info for Media - Official Documents
Daily Programme - Special Events - Exhibits - List of Participants - Special Features
Kyoto Information - COP3 Links - COP3 Home Page - UNFCCC Home Page - Feedback - Sitemap