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Country Name Date of Signature Date of Ratification Type Enter into Force

Malawi 10-Jun-92 21-Apr-94 R 20-Jul-94
Malaysia 09-Jun-93 13-Jul-94 R 11-Oct-94
Maldives 12-Jun-92 09-Nov-92 R 21-Mar-94
Mali 22-Sep-92 28-Dec-94 R 28-Mar-95
Malta 12-Jun-92 17-Mar-94 R 15-Jun-94
Marshall Islands 12-Jun-92 08-Oct-92 R 21-Mar-94
Mauritania 12-Jun-92 20-Jan-94 R 20-Apr-94
Mauritius 10-Jun-92 04-Sep-92 R 21-Mar-94
Mexico 13-Jun-92 11-Mar-93 R 21-Mar-94
Micronesia (Federated 12-Jun-92 18-Nov-93 R 21-Mar-94
States of)
Moldova (Republic of) 12-Jun-92 09-Jun-95 R 07-Sep-95
Monaco 11-Jun-92 24-Nov-92 R 21-Mar-94
Mongolia 12-Jun-92 30-Sep-93 R 21-Mar-94
Morocco 13-Jun-92 28-Dec-95 R 27-Mar-96
Mozambique 12-Jun-92 25-Aug-95 R 23-Nov-95
Myanmar 11-Jun-92 25-Nov-94 R 23-Feb-95


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