Climate Change Kiosk - 15 November 2006

15 November 2006




Climate change and migratory species: Impact of a changing environment on species and their habitats
A presentation elaborating on the changes in habitant distribution, behaviours and behaviours of migratory species and how climate change is affecting their survival.

Paola Deda
Inter-agency liaison officer
UNEP/CMS Secretariat
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species
Bonn, Germany



Climate change and biodiveristy: Key considerations for development planning

Ahmed Djoghlaf
Executive Secretary
Convention on Biological Diversity


17:00- 17:30

Nature conservation policy in the light of climate change
A presentation outlining the mutual benefits of climate change mitigation and nature conservation focusing on the challenges of linking CBD and UNFCCC and on the options for integrating biodiversity issues into the Kyoto mechanisms.

Jochen Flasbarth
Director General
Department of Nature Conservation
German Ministry for the Environment,
Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety


17:30- 18:00

Trade, Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Transition
The presentation will discuss key issues at the interface between trade, climate change and sustainable energy transition, identify some of the promissing ways of building climate friendly measures into the international trade system as a means of supporting national level action on climate change, and highlight win-win options and opportunities for sustainable development both in industrialised and industrialising countries.

Mr. Moustapha Kamal Gueye
on behalf of

International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)

Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea

Introduction by Corrado Clini Director General, Department for Global Environment International and Regional Convention, Ministry for Environment and Territory and Sea, Italy

