Country page - El Salvador

Updated on 7 February 2024





Tropical Cyclone


Bridging the gap in scientific and technical information

Help address the gaps in the transmission of scientific and technical information by developing effective communication strategies between technical experts and citizens through translating complex information into accessible language, utilizing clear and actionable messaging, and employing various communication channels

Strengthening capacities at the municipal government level

Enhance capacities at the municipal government level by providing training and resources to local officials

Relocation and shelter considerations

Help to address the issue of relocation by developing comprehensive strategies that take into account multiple factors, including vulnerability, livelihoods, cultural preservation, and identity. Support in exploring alternative shelter options outside vulnerable areas and ensure that relocation efforts prioritize the well-being and safety of affected communities.

Education and awareness-raising

education and awareness campaigns to enhance understanding among communities about the risks they face, appropriate actions to take during emergencies

Addressing post-disaster reconstruction challenges

Develop mechanisms to expedite post-disaster reconstruction while considering the limitations of limited funding and the vulnerability to subsequent events.

Enforcement of legislation

Help in addressing the issue of enforcement of legislation through enhancing institutional capacity, promoting transparency and accountability, and implementing robust monitoring and evaluation systems

Sea-level rise


Investing in meteorological infrastructure, promoting data sharing agreements, and leveraging technological advancements for efficient data collection and dissemination.

Flow gauge monitoring and information sharing

Establish flow gauge monitoring systems to track water levels in rivers and watercourses. Improve information sharing mechanisms to ensure timely and accurate dissemination of water level data, enabling proactive response measures and early warning systems for sea level rise

Equipment for watercourse expansion and maintenance

Provide necessary equipment and resources for watercourse expansion and maintenance, including dredging and desilting activities.

Timely assessment

Conduct timely assessments of affected areas to evaluate the extent of damage and provide necessary cleanup assistance. This includes mobilizing resources, equipment, and personnel to support the cleanup and recovery process after flooding events.

Foster better understanding of the Impacts of SLR coupled with other concurrent hazards such as storm surge and Tropical cyclones. This covers better awareness and communication strategies to residents of communities that are at high risk.

Early warning

The development of and sensitization of the general populace on early warning systems, as well as the Incorporation of EWS in the communication of risk especially to vulnerable communities, households and individuals.

