Constituted Body meetings and events
13th meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (SBM 013)
15 - 18 Jul. 2024
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
Constituted Body meetings and events
13th meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (SBM 013)
15 - 18 Jul. 2024
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany

SBM 013 meeting webcast 

Agenda and documents under consideration 

1. Agenda and meeting organization
1.1 Opening

1.2 Adoption of the agenda

Under consideration

A6.4-SBM013-PA - Proposed agenda
A6.4-SBM013-AA - Annotated agenda

2. Governance and management matters

2.1 Membership issues

2.2 Strategic planning and direction

Under consideration

A6.4-SBM013-AA-A01 – Draft annual report of the Supervisory Body for the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4 of the Paris Agreement to the CMA

2.3 Performance management

Under consideration

A6.4-SBM013-AA-A02Information note:  Workplan of the Supervisory Body 2024

2.4 Matters related to the Supervisory Body and its support structure

2.5 Designated National Authorities

3. Regulatory and procedural matters

3.1 Governance

Under consideration

A6.4-SBM013-AA-A03Information note:  Article 6.4 guide or manual for host Parties participation in the mechanism
A6.4-SBM013-AA-A04Draft procedure:  Direct communication with stakeholders [Advanced video presentation]

3.2 Accreditation

3.3 Activity Cycle

Under consideration

A6.4-SBM013-AA-A05 – Draft procedure:  Transition of CDM activities to the A6.4 mechanism
A6.4-SBM013-AA-A06 – Information note: Compilation of the public inputs on PoAs' regulatory documents
A6.4-SBM013-AA-A07 – Draft procedure:  Article 6.4 activity cycle procedure for programmes of activities
A6.4-SBM013-AA-A08 – Draft standard:  Article 6.4 activity standard for programmes of activities
A6.4-SBM013-AA-A09 – Draft standard:  Article 6.4 validation and verification  standard for programmes of activities
A6.4-SBM013-AA-A10 – Draft tool:  Article 6.4 sustainable development tool

3.4 Methodologies

Under consideration

A6.4-SBM013-AA-A11 – Information note:  Options to revise the recommendation on the requirements for Article 6.4 methodologies, taking into account stakeholder inputs
A6.4-SBM013-AA-A12 – Information note:  Options to revise the recommendation on activities involving removals under the Article 6.4 mechanism, taking into account stakeholder inputs 

3.5 Registry

Under consideration

A6.4-SBM013-AA-A13 – Draft procedure:  A6.4 mechanism registry  [Advanced video presentation]
A6.4-SBM013-AA-A14Concept note:  Terms and conditions for entities using the mechanism registry  [Advanced video presentation]
A6.4-SBM013-AA-A15 – Concept note:  Repurposing the CDM voluntary cancellation platform to serve the Article 6.4 mechanism [Advanced video presentation]

3.6 Policy matters

4. Relation with stakeholders

5. Other matters

6. Conclusion of meeting