Mandated and other events
2023 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance: Financing Just Transitions
17 - 18 Jul. 2023
08:30h - 16:30h
Bangkok, Thailand
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Climate Finance
Mandated and other events
2023 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance: Financing Just Transitions
17 - 18 Jul. 2023
08:30h - 16:30h
Bangkok, Thailand
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Climate Finance
The event is co-hosted by:
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Thailand International Cooperation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand


The Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) provides a platform for a wide range of stakeholders from governments, climate funds, financial institutions, civil society, think tanks and the private sector to discuss a topic of interest in climate finance and promote linkages and coherence in the mobilization and delivery of climate finance.


The theme of 2023 SCF Forum, will be "Financing Just Transitions", with the following sub-themes:

  1. Identifying opportunities and challenges associated with transitions and just transitions;
  2. Financing just transitions towards the goals of the Paris Agreement, and more broadly, the Sustainable Development Goals;
  3. Enablers of just transitions;
  4. Roles of non-Party stakeholders, including the private sector, in financing just transitions and possible ways to support them;
  5. Facilitating transitions that will be just and inclusive for the workforce and other impacted communities and stakeholders.


The objective of the Forum is to facilitate discussions on financing transition pathways that aim to catalyze the achievement of the goals of the Paris Agreement, in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.  The Forum will:

  • Draw upon best practices and lessons learned in financing just transitions, including examples and case studies from all levels and sectors;
  • Build upon existing work on financing just transitions within and outside of the UNFCCC to enhance complementarity of discussions and added value of the Forum;
  • Facilitate a balanced discussion, taking into account the different environmental, social and economic circumstances faced at all levels;
  • Ensure a balanced discussion, in the context of both mitigation and adaptation.

Provisional programme: Click here to download (version 20 July 2023)

Webcast through YouTube:  

Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnVY-DlnD04

Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJDy9zuQKOc

SCF forum written inputs received:

London School of Economics 

Trade Unions NGO

Provisional Programme

Day 1 : 17 July 2023

Time Description Speakers and moderators
07:30 – 08:30


08:30 – 08:50

Session 1: Opening of the Forum

  • Opening remarks, welcoming the participants and introduction of the Forum
  • Overview of the 2-day Forum and messages to the participants on the Forum objective, which is to facilitate discussions on financing transition pathways that aim to catalyse the achievement of the goals of the Paris Agreement, in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.

SCF Forum co-facilitators:  
Ms. Katarzyna Kowalska and Ambassador Mohamed Nasr

Mr. Jiravat Ratisoontorn, Deputy Secretary General of Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Thailand

Mr. Sangmin Nam, Director, Environment and Development Division, UNESCAP

Mr. Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary,  UNFCCC  (Video message)

08:50 – 10:20

Session 2: Scene-setting on financing just transitions

  • A scene-setting presentation will be delivered around the following issues: (1) Opportunities and benefits that can be harnessed through transitions towards low emissions and climate-resilient development pathway and by coordinating climate action in the context of sustainable development;
    (2) Ensuring transition processes are just and inclusive to leave no one behind, mitigate social risks and impacts and build stronger political support and social legitimacy for climate action at all levels;  (3) Available information and data on needs, gaps, and opportunities for  financing just transitions, including information in sectoral contexts; (4) Key enablers of national and sectoral just transitions towards meeting the Paris Agreement goals and achieving equitable socio-economic outcomes.
  • A small panel of senior representatives from governments and institutions will be invited to share their insights on how finance can be utilized to unlock the full potential of transitions and address the priorities of countries for just and inclusive transitions.

Session moderator: Ambassador Mohamed Nasr, SCF member 

Keynote speeches: 

  • Mr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN Special Envoy on Financing 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (virtual) 
  • Ms. Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa (biography) Assistant Director-General and Regional Director, International Labour Organization 
  • Mr. Nick Robins (biography) Professor in Practice for Sustainable Finance,  Grantham Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science  Presentation

Panel discussions 

  • Mr. Richard Sherman, South Africa (National Just Transition Framework) 
  • Ms. Outi Honkatukia, European Union (Just Transition Mechanism)  
  • Mr. Steven Hammer, Global Partnerships and Strategy, World Bank 
10:00 – 10:20 Coffee break
10:20 – 11:00

Session 3: Integrating just transitions into national climate plans and development strategies


This plenary session will focus on the development and implementation of  countries’ national climate plans and development strategies that can harness the benefits and opportunities of transitions and ensure just and inclusive transitions for the workforce and other people who may be adversely impacted by the transitions.

It will also focus on insights and lessons learned by financial institutions and support providers in assisting countries to reflect elements of just transitions, such as socioeconomic equity and sustainable development, into the national climate plans.

Session moderator: Ms. Katarzyna Kowalska, SCF member 


Mr. Kamal Djemouai, Africa Adaptation Initiative Presentation


  • Ms. Sangji Lee (biography) Climate Change and Green Economy Technical Specialist, UNDP (virtual) 
  • Ms. Makie Yoshida (biography) Climate Change Specialist, FAO 
  • Mr. Peter Govindasamy (biography)
    Co-Chair of the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures 

Plenary discussion 

11:00 – 12:10 Breakout group discussions on integrating just transitions into national climate plans and development strategies

Group #1: Identification of challenges and opportunities relating to just transitions

This group will discuss ways to identify opportunities provided and challenges posed by climate actions to workforce, sectors, regions, and communities. It will also discuss availability and analysis of data and information relating to potential benefits, risks, and impacts of transitions.

Moderator: Ambassador Janine Felson (biography) Belize

Case study presenter:

  • Ms. Sandra Guzman 
    (biography) General Director, Climate Finance Group for Latin America and the Caribbean Presentation

Group #2: Inclusive stakeholder engagement and governance mechanisms for just transitions.

This group will discuss identification of stakeholders impacted by the transitions, in the context of nationally defined development priorities, ways to overcome resistance against transitions and ensuring ownership and accountability, and possible coordination and governance mechanisms at the national and sub-national levels.

Moderator:  Mr. Kevin Adams
(biography) SCF Member

Case study presenter:  

  • Mr. Jeremy Anderson (biography) Director, International Transport Workers’ Federation (Trade Union NGOs) Presentation

Group #3: Development and alignment of sectoral plans for just transitions

This group will discuss identification of sector-specific opportunities and challenges for fair and equitable transitions and vertical and horizontal alignments of the sectoral just transition plans. It will also look at facilitating tripartite discussions (government-employer-workers) within sectors and industries and capacity-building support for facilitating just transitions of sectoral stakeholders.

Moderator: Mr. Eric Roeder (biography) Technical specialist on Green Jobs, International Labour Organization  

Case study presenter:

  • Mr. Niclas Hällström (biography) Director of What's Next Forum (virtual)
12:10 – 12:30

Report-back of the breakout groups moderators, followed by a moderator discussion

Session moderator: Ms. Katarzyna Kowalska, SCF member

Breakout group moderators

12:30 – 13:40 Lunch 
13:40 – 14:20

Session 4: Options to mobilize and access financial resources for just transitions


This plenary session will focus on possible ways to mobilize and access financial resources required for just transitions, by exploring potential sources and instruments and highlighting examples from international, regional, and domestic levels.

Also, the session will highlight experiences of countries to access financial resources for just transitions through multilateral and bilateral channels and available support programmes and activities.

Session moderator: Ambassador Diann Black-Layne, SCF member 


  • Ms. Suranjali Tandon
    Associate Professor​​, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, India (Towards a Just Transition Finance Roadmap for India) (virtual) Presentation


  • Ms. Claudia Gutierrez
    (biography) Chair, Energy and Environment Commission, International Chamber of Commerce in Bolivia 
  • Mr. Bradley Hiller, Lead Climate Change Specialist, Islamic Development Bank (virtual)
  • Ms. Liane Schalatek (biography) Associate Director, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Washington DC 

Plenary discussion

14:20 – 14:40 Coffee break
14:40 – 16:00 Breakout group discussions on mobilization of and access to finance for just transitions

Group #1: Financial sources for just transitions

This group will discuss available public, private and innovative sources of finance for just transitions at international, regional and national levels, and programmatic focus of these sources. It will also discuss best practices and lessons learned in accessing these sources.

Moderator: Mr. Raju Pandit (biography) Nepal 

Case study presenter:

  • Mr. Sander Happaerts (biography) Policy analyst, EU Just Transition Fund (virtual) Presentation 
  • Ms. Catherine Goldberg, USA

Group #2: Financial instruments for just transitions.

This group will discuss available financial instruments, including grants, loans, bonds, blended finance, and insurance, for a range of users from retail customers to businesses, corporations, and capital markets. Potential benefits, implications, and available support for utilizing the instruments by the affected regions and groups will also be discussed.

Moderator: Ms. Elena Pereira, Honduras 

Case study presenter:

Group #3: Experience of sub-national and local actors in mobilizing and accessing financing for just transitions

This group will focus on lessons learned in mobilizing and accessing financing just transitions at the sub-national and local levels. There will be case studies with examples of sources and instruments (and the associated policies and regulations), which aim to address the needs and priorities of people, including SMSEs, that require support for just transitions.

Moderator: Mr. Mahamat Assouyouti (biography) Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat 

Case study presenter:

16:00 – 16:20

Report-back of the breakout groups moderators, followed by a moderator discussion

Session moderator: Ambassador Diann Black-Layne, SCF member

16:20 – 16:30 Wrap-up of day 1 by SCF Forum co-facilitators


Day 2 : 18 July 2023

Time Description Speakers and moderators
09:00 – 09:15 Opening of day 2
09:15 – 09:50

Session 5: Enabling environments and policy frameworks for financing just transitions


This plenary session will focus on the role of policies, laws and regulations that will be conducive to mobilization of and access to financing for just transitions.

Also, it will highlight policies and tools that can enhance the private sector's alignment with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development, and help it better understand the benefits and risks of transitions, by showcasing cases for integrating transition and just transitions into their business models.

Session moderator: Mr Zaheer Fakir, SCF Co-Chair


  • Mr. Alexis Lapiz, Chief of Strategic Partnership Division and Co-Chair of the CCC Special Working Group on Green Job, Climate Change Commission, Philippines (virtual) Presentation


  • Mr. Patrick John Martin, Climate Finance Specialist Macroeconomic Policy and Financing for Development Division, UNESCAP 
  • Ms. Preety Bhandari (biography) Senior Advisor, Global Climate Program and the Finance Center, World Resources Institute  
  • Ms. Nirnita Talukdar (biography) Regional Coordinator - Asia Pacific, UNEP FI

Plenary discussion

09:50 – 10:10 Family photo and coffee break
10:10 – 11:40 Breakout group discussions on enabling environments and policy frameworks for financing just transitions

Group #1: Integrating just transitions in fiscal policies and public expenditures

This group will discuss fiscal policies that can incentivize public and private investments for climate change and facilitate inclusive growth, minimizing negative and maximizing positive impacts of climate actions. It will also discuss  macroeconomic policies and measures that can help allocate resources to sectors and industries that require support for just transition, and public expenditure and investment programmes with climate principles that can also ensure social protection and equity for people in vulnerable situations.

Moderator: Ms. Debra Sungi, Papua New Guinea 

Case study presenters:

  • Masyita Crystallin (biography) Special Advisor to the Minister of Finance Republic of Indonesia on Macroeconomic and Fiscal Policy and Sherpa for the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action, Indonesia (virtual, presentation)

Group #2: Building countries’ capacity and readiness to access financing just transitions

This group will discuss country experience of accessing financing for just transitions, such as by integrating just transitions principles into mitigation and adaptation projects and mainstreaming climate actions and just transition pathways in national budget processes. It will also discuss ways to build capacity and readiness of national institutions to overcome challenges they face in accessing financing for just transitions.

Moderator: Mr. Rafael Moser (biography) UN Capital Development Fund 

Case study presenter:

  • Mr. Go Mukai (biography) 
    Senior Operations Officer, Climate Investment Funds (virtual) 

Group #3: Enabling environments for just transitions in the private and financial sectors

This group will discuss role of the government to create ecosystem for a just transition of the private businesses and financial institutions. It will look at potential opportunities and challenges faced by the private sector to align business with net-zero transitions, importance of scaling-up climate investments that will benefit workers, communities and people in vulnerable situations and institutional arrangements that will facilitate awareness-raising, dialogue, advocacy and partnerships with the private and financial sectors.

Moderator: Ms. Gabriela Blatter, SCF member

Case study presenter:

  • Mr. Arjun Bhargava (biography) UN Global Compact (virtual)
11:40 – 12:00

Report-back of the breakout groups moderators, followed by a moderator discussion

Session moderator: Mr Zaheer Fakir, SCF Co-Chair

Breakout group moderators

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 13:40

Session 6: Focusing on people and economy: financing just and inclusive transitions for all


This plenary session will focus on the social and economic perspectives of just transitions.

It will focus on potential of people as agents and how financing for just transitions can protect their livelihoods and dignity in the transition towards a net-zero economy and address their priorities.

It will also focus on ways that finance can support countries to manage risks and impacts that economic assets may face due to transitions and harness opportunities to reallocate capital and redirect investment to more low-emission and climate-resilient assets.

Session moderator: Ms. Apollonia Miola, SCF member  


  • Ms. Meena Raman, Senior Legal Adviser and Coordinator, Third World Network
  • Mr. Alisher Mamadzhanov, Governance Manager a.i., Green Climate Fund 
  • Ms. Grace Balawag (biography) Indigenous Peoples NGO  
  • Dr. Fadhel Kaboub (biography) President of the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity (virtual)  

Plenary discussion

13:40 – 14:00 Coffee break
14:00 – 15:30 Breakout group discussions on mobilization of and access to finance for just transitions

Group #1: Financing just transition of workforce

This group will discuss insights from workers, communities and industries that are undergoing transitions: investment in retaining and re-skilling programs; budgeting and financing income support (incl. unemployment benefits and wage subsidies); incorporating transition of workforce in climate investment strategies; engaging industry leaders and labor unions in the design, financing, and implementation of just transition projects.

Moderator: Ms. Brittany Young, SCF member 

Case study presenter:

  • Mr. Bert De Wel (biography) Global Climate Policy Coordinator, International Trade Union Confederation (virtual) Presentation  

Group #2: Supporting people in vulnerable situations for just transitions

This group will discuss policies and regulations that can drive national and international finance towards fostering just transitions for people in vulnerable situations, including the poor, women, youth, indigenous peoples and other people underrepresented in economic sectors. It will focus on how finance can address social and economic equity for those who traditionally face systemic barriers to policies and how bilateral and multilateral sources of finance can contribute to addressing social and economic equity of vulnerable peoples in transitions and ensure their equitable participation and contribution to a transition towards a low-carbon and resilient economy/society.

Moderator: Ms. Charlene Watson (biography) Overseas Development Institute   

Case study presenter:  

Group #3: Financing for transitions of economic assets

This group will discuss changes that transitions can bring upon economic assets, such as due to changes of regulatory landscapes, technological advancements and shifts in market preferences. It will also discuss opportunities and challenges that countries and asset managers encounter in managing the assets and making investment decisions, and how financing for just transitions can support them.

Moderator: Mr. Abdelrahman Gwaiz, Saudi Arabia  

Case study presenter:  

  • Ambassador Wael Magd, Egypt 
15:30 – 15:50

Report-back of the breakout groups moderators, followed by a moderator discussion

Session moderator: Ms. Apollonia Miola, SCF member 

Breakout group moderators

15:50 – 16:20

Session 7: Wrap-up session on key outcomes and recommendations


Based on the two days of discussions, participants will deliberate on actions at the international, national, sub-national levels that may be pursued by actors and institutions taking part in the Forum, to finance just transitions. The discussions on the way forward would include key takeaway messages and possible recommendations for consideration by the COP

Session moderator: SCF Forum co-facilitators

Plenary discussion

16:20 – 16:30 Closure of the Forum SCF Forum co-facilitators