logo of COP 28
资料来源: COP 28 host country
COP 27 logo











  • 在您看来,COP 27最具影响力的三项成果是什么?今年还需要做哪些工作来确保落实这些成果?
  • 在您看来,COP 28最重要的三项成果应该是什么?在COP28期间成功取得这些成果是否面临挑战?如果是,2023年需要什么来克服这些挑战?主席、候任主席或附属机构的主席如何提供帮助?






  • 不同专题领域的全球盘点成果中包含的哪些要素将最有效地促进加强气候行动和支持,以落实2030年前的目标,并为下一轮国家自主贡献提供信息?
  • 在COP28之前和期间,在《公约》进程内外,应采取哪些步骤来促进达成以解决方案为导向、具有前瞻性并促进系统变革的成果?
  • 包括减缓工作方案、全球适应目标、损失和损害资金安排、新的集体量化资金目标(NCQG)、关于《巴黎协定》第2条第1款(c)段落的沙姆沙伊赫对话、公正转型工作方案等在内的,与全球盘点专题领域相关的进程,如何才能最好地促进全球盘点在COP28取得成功?


The third multilateral consultations focused on Just Transition.

The consultations took place virtually as a single conversation involving all Parties, split across two parts to enhance inclusivity.

Discussion questions

  • What are your expectations regarding the outcome at COP 28 of the work programme as it relates to pathways to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement? How can the work programme enable just transition in a manner that leaves no one behind?
  • What are your expectations for the elements, scope and modalities of the work programme?
  • How do you envisage the role of the work programme in enhancing the implementation of relevant COP and CMA decisions and complementing other relevant workstreams under the Convention and the Paris Agreement?

Co-chairs summary


The fourth multilateral consultations will focus on the mitigation priorities for 2023 and the expectations for the work programme to urgently scale up mitigation ambition and implementation.

The consultations will take place virtually as a single conversation involving all Parties, split across two parts to enhance inclusivity, on Tuesday, 9 May:

  • 9:30 - 11:00 (CEST)
  • 18:00 - 19:30 (CEST)

Discussion questions

  • What are the key elements of a Mitigation outcome at COP28 to drive ambition in this critical decade of action?
  • How can the Sharm el-Sheikh mitigation ambition and implementation work programme be implemented in a solution-oriented manner and how can it facilitate the achievement of results on the ground?

Co-chairs summary

The Bureau meeting was held in Bonn, Germany, on Saturday, 10 June, from 14:00 - 16:00 (CEST).
