Innovative approaches

Innovative approaches to accelerating and scaling up climate technology implementation for mitigation and adaptation

The Paris Agreement calls for international collaboration on technology development and transfer to support the purpose and goals of the Paris Agreement. This publication explores innovative approaches to stimulating the uptake of existing climate technologies for mitigation and adaptation. Such innovations can be identified in the following areas: how technology options are selected by countries; how stakeholder views and practitioner knowledge, as well as their preferences, are solicited in climate technology planning; what financial innovations exist for enhancing funding of technology projects and programmes; and what are viable ways of enhancing private sector engagement and incubators.

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The publication:

  • Provides background information on the current state of play of innovative approaches to stimulating the uptake of existing climate technology solutions;
  • Presents an overview of activities, as case studies, undertaken by various stakeholders to apply these innovative approaches in practice;
  • Identifies key enabling conditions for successfully applying the innovative approaches defined;
  • Offers key messages and recommendations.

The overall objective of this publication is to identify innovative approaches
to stimulating the uptake of deployment-ready climate technology solutions with a view to providing policy recommendations to countries, in particular developing countries, and relevant stakeholders.