
Virtual Regional Technical Expert Meetings on Mitigation 2020

Climate smart cooling solutions for sustainable buildings in Latin America and the Caribbean

20 August 2020 | 16:30 – 18:00 CEST | Virtual event

In the context of the recovery process from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and to increase ambition of climate action, advancing the work on climate change remains a global imperative. The recovery is an opportunity for countries to rebuild and recover their economy in a manner that creates pathways to transitioning into green, low emission and climate resilient society.

En el contexto del proceso de recuperación de los efectos de la pandemia de Covid-19 y con la creciente ambición de la acción climática, los avances en el labor sobre el cambio climático siguen siendo un imperativo mundial. La recuperación es una oportunidad para que los países reconstruyan y recuperen su economía de manera que se creen vías para la transición hacia una sociedad ecológica, con bajas emisiones y resistente al clima.

The meeting has been organized by the Technology Executive CommitteeClimate Technology Centre and Network and the Regional Collaboration Centers of Panama, with the support of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC).

The outcomes of the events will be reported to the global Technical Expert Meeting, to be held on 30 September, 7 and 14 October 2020, and will be reflected in the technical paper and summary for policy makers for 2020.

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