
Side event: The Technology Mechanism – Enhancing technology cooperation for action on climate change


Bonn Climate Change Conference June 2014 (SB 40)
Time and location: 7 June 2014, 18.30-20.00, room Solar


Collaboratively organized by the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), the side event highlighted the progress of work of the TEC and CTCN to showcase the Technology Mechanism as fully operational and fulfilling its mandate.

In her opening remarks, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Ms. Christiana Figueres congratulated the CTCN for its operationalization, and said that whilst six customer countries was a good start, that number was not yet the critical mass that would send the right message to the top level. She invited Parties to make use of the CTCN, and to provide the necessary support to make this work and grow.

The TEC presented its recent deliverables and its rolling workplan for 2014-2015, including key expected outcomes. The CTCN informed of its operations and recent and coming milestones. In addition, a developing country Party – Colombia – shared its experience with regards to requesting technical assistance from the CTCN, providing the audience with concrete insights of such process. The event also showcased the new features of the technology information platform TT:CLEAR, including the related flyer recently released.

The side event attracted many people, offering a rich question and answer session.


