Non-LDC info - National Adaptation Plans


Through decision 1/CP.16, the COP has invited non-LDC developing country Parties to employ the modalities formulated to support the national adaptation plans (NAPs). Developing country Parties are also invited to plan, prioritize and implement adaptation actions, including projects and programmes, and actions identified in national and subnational adaptation plans and strategies, national communications, technology needs assessments and other relevant national planning documents.

In decision 5/CP.17, modalities of support and financial arrangements were decided upon, to further support the NAP process. Non-LDC developing country Parties are invited to employ the modalities formulated to support the NAPs, including the guidelines for the NAPs. Information on progress made in the elaboration and operationalization of support for the NAP process can be found below and under Guidelines.

Given the progress in enabling support, developing country Parties are encouraged to begin the preparation of their NAP process.


a) Technical support

The Adaptation Committee (AC), in decision 5/CP.17, paragraph 30, has been requested by the COP, and in accordance with its agreed functions, to consider, in its workplan, the relevant modalities for supporting interested developing country Parties that are not least developed country (LDC) Parties, to plan, prioritize and implement their national adaptation planning measures, including through the use of the modalities contained in the same decision (see the  "Modalities of support" section here).

In response to this request, the AC has included the following activities in its three-year workplan which was approved by the COP at its eighteenth session (decision 11/CP.18):

  • Establish an ad hoc group, in collaboration with relevant organizations and experts, to work on modalities and guidelines for NAPs for non-LDC developing countries for consideration by the AC at its second meeting;
  • Further consider developing modalities and guidelines to support non-LDC developing countries in the planning, prioritization and implementation of national adaptation planning measures;
  • Establish a database or clearing house type mechanism for information related to national adaptation planning;
  • Communicate with Parties, relevant bodies, programmes and institutions, with a view to collecting and compiling relevant information for national adaptation planning; and identify good practices for integrating adaptation into national development policies, processes and actions in collaboration with the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) and the Nairobi Work Programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (NWP).

During its second meeting, the AC considered modalities and guidelines for NAPs for non-LDCs during a breakout session. This session led to the development of draft terms of reference (ToRs) for an ad hoc group that is further elaborating such modalities and guidelines. The draft ToRs can be found here.

b) Financial support

A number of financial support channels are available for the NAP process, including under the GEF, and through bilateral and multilateral channels.

The COP, in decision 12/CP.18, has requested the Global Environment Facility (GEF), through the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), to consider how to enable activities for the preparation of the NAP process for interested developing country Parties that are not LDC Parties.

For further information on the SCCF, please see and the webpages of the Global Environment Facility on the SCCF. The GEF response to COP guidance can be found in document GEF/LDCF.SCCF.14/06 and in the Report of the GEF to the COP


Parties are invited to provide information, through their national communications, on what measures they have undertaken and on support provided or received, relevant to the NAP process (decision 5/CP.17, paragraph 32).

The secretariat has been requested to collect, compile and synthesize such information needed by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to monitor and evaluate the progress made on the NAP process, including through the use of existing databases.

