Ocean Action under the UNFCCC

Ocean action under the UNFCCC

Ocean-related action on climate change is currently addressed under a range of UNFCCC agenda items, bodies and processes.

The UNFCCC also collaborates with other UN agencies and with non-party stakeholder organisations


  • Research and Systematic Observation SBSTA agenda item provides opportunities to discuss ocean research and observation including at the mandated annual meetings of the Research Dialogue and Earth Information Days
  • IPCC provides assessments of the best available science, including on the ocean and cryosphere, via its Assessment Reports and special reports

Adaptation and resilience

  • Nationally Determined Contributions of Parties communicate action under the Paris Agreement with over half of NDCs submitted already including action in the ocean or coastal zones. The Ocean Conservancy collates ocean-based climate solutions in NDCs.
  • National Adaptation Plan Process facilitates adaptation planning in least developed countries and other developing countries. Ocean-related supplementary information to the technical guidelines include those by the CBD and FAO. The ocean and coastal zones are addressed in over 70% of new or revised NAPs
  • Nairobi Work Programme assists Parties to improve understanding and assessment of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, and make informed decisions on practical adaptation actions. The NWP has a focus area on the ocean, coastal areas and ecosystems and its activities are supported by the Thematic Expert Group on Oceans to build understanding and partnerships, address knowledge gaps and engage in policy. In March 2022 the NWP Expert Group on Oceans prepared a supplement to the NAP technical guidelines.
  • Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts addresses loss and damage in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. The WIM Executive Committee in collaboration with the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) released a policy brief in 2020 on loss and damage in coastal zones


Global Stocktake

  • The global stocktake of the Paris Agreement is a process for taking stock of the implementation of the Paris Agreement and may include information regarding collective progress on ocean-related action that achieve the purpose of the Agreement and its long-term goals.


  • Standing Committee on Finance assists the COP with respect to the Financial Mechanism, and undertakes technical work on climate finance. This includes the determination of finance needs and strengthening support across constituted bodies, which must consider the Glasgow mandate on ocean-based action. The SCF forum in 2021 considered financing nature-based solutions, for both land and ocean

Financial mechanisms

  • Adaptation Fund facilitates finance for adaptation, including projects and programmes aimed at strengthening coastal and marine ecosystem resilience and other forms of coastal zone management
  • Green Climate Fund is a country-driven fund supporting investment across four transitions – built environment; energy and industry; human security, livelihoods and wellbeing; and land-use, forests and ecosystems, including projects and programmes focused on the ocean and coastal zones
  • Global Environmental Facility supports government agencies, civil society organizations, private sector companies, research institutions and others to implement projects around five focal areas, including climate change and international waters.

Technology Mechanism

  • Technology Executive Committee focuses on identifying policies that can accelerate the development and transfer of low-emission and climate resilient technologies. It has published a policy brief on loss and damage and nature-based solutions in coastal zones, has held three events promoting innovative approaches to deploy, disseminate and scale up adaptation technologies related to the ocean, and continues to work closely with the Nairobi Work Programme on action in coastal zones.
  • Climate Technology Centre and Network promotes the transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries. The CTCN supports technology transfer in a number of sectors including specifically for application in coastal zones and in marine and fisheries

Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples

  • Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform facilitates the exchange of experiences and sharing of best practices on mitigation and adaptation to strengthen knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change. The LCIPP facilitates action on the ocean under its three core functions, including facilitating engagement between local communities and indigenous peoples and other UNFCCC processes

Global Climate Action
